August 2019 Board Minutes
Myerlee Circle Condominium Association
6945 Dog Leg Way
Fort Myers, Fl. 33919
August 21, 2019 Board Notes
President. Larry Wynberg
Vice President. John Schreiber
Treasurer. Linda Fentner
Secretary. Pearl Prevoir
Director. Dave Ferris
Director. Kim Hanson
Meeting called to order by President Wynberg at 1:00 pm. All board members in attendance.
Maintenance Update by Mike Ingro
- Bushes planted to cover new valve recently installed,
- Started to clean gutters, cost to do 5 gutters about $150.00, replacing filters as needed
- Weeds sprayed by landscaper
- Several coyotes seen in neighborhood. Apparently they caused damage to downspout @ 6936 Dog Leg Way, which was repaired
- Fall project includes power washing of driveways and sidewalks. Hoping to get some owners to volunteer with task. Larry recommends hiring help for this task. Cost of help will be investigated
Secretaries Report: Report accepted as read.
Treasurer’s Report: Report accepted as read
Vice President’s Report: recommends current Plan for Reserves be followed in order to save adequate funds for future roof replacements.John presented comparisons between Brown& Brown and GulfShore insurance. Discussion took place over best action to take, all agree each company rep should be invited back in order to review differences and investigate best options available. John will set up meeting for board with Brown & Brown rep, Linda will contact GulfShore rep. Brown & Brown rep emailed board additional information on venders, including FL State Ratings. First Budget meeting held on 8/20/2019. Volunteers consist of Bev Chandley, Matt Grattenthaler and Walter Bell who joined the group via Skype. Board members in attendance consist of John Schreiber,Linda Fentner and Dave Ferris. Discussion initiated on 2 proposals regarding Reserve Funds. Further discussions scheduled for next budget meeting in September.
OwnerComments: owner of 6917 Birdie gathering information to assist him with decision to volunteer as a board member. Had many good questions,explanations offered by President Wynberg. Owner will review online information regarding board members responsibilities before making his decision.
President’s Report: Larry has not gotten any update on Universal Claim so will contact rep for update.Larry obtained information from 2 local Management Companies. Companies very similar but still waiting for fees from one of the companies. Larry described roles and responsibilities management company could perform. No decision made about plans to hire management company at this time until better awareness of 2020 budget needs and cost impact of management company is evaluated.
Pool/Clubhouse Director Report:Kim researched cost of pool door replacements. Two aluminum doors would cost $1,600.00.Until budget set for 2020, Mike encouraged to try new paint on pool doors. Larry recommends ordering new doors, all board members in agreement. New pool furniture is needed as is pool deck needing paint job.Kim has taken that into consideration in her 2020 budget request.
Grounds/Unit Director: Dave states he requires 8 shrubs, 1 palm tree and 1 shade tree. He has requested quote for these items from our landscape company. Truck parking violation continues by
An owner’s visitor. Dave indicates he has sent 2 violation letters to this owner and will follow-up.
Old Business: all board members agree we must create aFines Committee as soon as possible. Several volunteers identified and will be approached. Office schedule will remain intact although we are loosing another board member. Pearl will investigate best use of phone messaging off site.
New Business: Dave and Pearl will work together to create Regulation Letter to be sent to all owners and long term renters.
Meeting adjourned @ 2:45 pm.