September 2019 Board Minutes

Myerlee Circle Condominium Association

                   6945 Dog Leg Way

                   Fort Myers, FL. 33919


Board Meeting.                         September 18, 2019


President.                 Larry Wynberg

Vice President.         TBD

Treasurer.                 Linda Fentner

Secretary.                 Pearl Prevoir

Director.                     Dave Ferris

Director.                     Kim Hanson


President called meeting to order @ 1:00 pm. All board members in attendance.


Maintenance Report:

  1. Light at Myerlee Circle entrance sign not working. Will ask electrical consultant, Ron Duddleston to evaluate problem.
  2. Mike complete gutter filters @ courtyard
  3. Reports owner on Birdie Way has concerns about rotting molding around his garage door. Appears this may be caused by water leak. Area repaired previously. Mike will send picture to board email for Dave’s review

Secretaries Report: Report accepted as read

Treasurer’s Report: review of end of year budget, minor deficits identified. Report accepted as read. Linda will notify board members for next upcoming new owner interview

Vice President: TBD

Owner’s Comments: new owner Joyce Morris auditing meeting due to interest in joining the board.Owner of 1636 Bunker Way voiced concerns over length of time it took Board to respond to her concerns. Unit Director identified schedule and steps taken on behalf of her concerns. Dave reviewed actions and plans put in place after affected area of roof was evaluated by roofer, electrical consultant, maintenance and Unit Director. Owner brought a friend with her who happens to be her lawyer but states he was not acting as her lawyer at this meeting.

Owner’s of white pick-up truck who have received violation notices discussed their concerns on best place to park, agreement on location identified.

President’s Report: Larry reviewed progress of Budget Committee. He identified date for Owner’s meeting on Budget Review of November 7th @ 4:30pm. November 20th Board Members will vote on 2020 budget. After Larry discussed recent Nuisance Complaint from a Bunker Way Owner, Board Members agreed no violation letter required at this time. President states owner’s non-supportive to hiring a management company. Larry request secretary submit budget for previously approved office staff position at 15 hours/week.

Clubhouse/Pool Report: Kim states Mike has paint for pool doors. Will delay ordering new pool doors until adequate time passes to evaluate use of new paint.

Unit/Grounds Report: The Test Elevation Study recently completed by J.P.Evans indicates positive change noted in one building. Dave requests approval and funds for company to evaluate 5 more buildings. Approved by all members.$ approved by all members for roof repair at 1363 Bunker Way; $ approved by all members For re-sod of affected area on corner of Bunker Way. 2 more Palm Trees to be ordered.

Old Business: Previous identified volunteers not appropriate for Fines Committee. Board members identified other potential candidates, President will contact individuals.Secretary dispensed instructions on how to obtain phone messages from board phone when off-site.New Office coverage schedulecompleted. Board members will vote on which insurance company MyerleeCondominium Association will contract with for 2020 after Gulfshore’s presentation.

New Business: Joyce Morris interested in board position. She has a background in finance and is interested in helping board administer the designated Bylaws in an equal and consistent manner. Unanimous vote of approval to appoint Joyce Morris as a new board member.

Meeting Adjourned @ 2:35 pm.

Report submitted by Secretary, Pearl Prevoir