May 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

President. Joyce Morris
Vice President, Pool
Director. Noreen Bailey
Treasurer. Linda Fentner
Secretary, Clubhouse
Director Pearl Prevoir
Grounds Director. Sandy Levinthal
Unit Director. Lisa Kaiser(Skype)
All Board Members in attendance, quorum met.
Maintenance Update: Mike reports he has been working on the repair of
the leaking gutters, he has power washed the clubhouse lanai and has
identified a new product that he hopes will stop the leak on the lanai roof.
Mike is also working on an irrigation issue which requires a new valve. Unit
Director has created a list of condos with known or reported gutter issues.
Meeting called to order by President Morris @ 1:00 pm.
Secretary & Clubhouse Report: All board members reviewed notes from
the April 19, 2022 board meeting. President Morris and Secretary Prevoir
identified what content is appropriate for the secretary to document for
the board meeting notes. Motion made to accept notes as read, seconded
and unanimously passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Linda reviewed the May financial report, including the
costs for some major repairs. Two (2) payments have been made to the
Roofing contractor, the third draw is due on May 31, 2022. Request made by
Linda and Joyce for the Directors to keep spending at a bear minimum at
this time.
President’s Report: Joyce reports that the Flood Insurance premium, which
is due in June, has come in less than originally expected.
Vice President’s & Pool Report: pool heater turned off for the summer
months. Noreen reviewed eating and drinking policies for owners when @
the pool.
Grounds Director: watering takes place 2X/week for 1 hour each time.
Some owners have opted to supply their own shrubs or bushes which our
landscape provider is planting. Sandy reminded owners to continue to use
the Maintenance Request Forms. she recommends owners review
Hurricane Preparation found in our Directory and on our Website.
Unit Director: Lisa reports the Bill we received from the roofer for the extra
materials was less than expected. She requests that owners report any
roofing concerns to her as she might need to discuss some of these
repairs with the roofing contractor. Question asked about total cost of the
Roof Repairs which will not be available until all bills for the work is
received. President indicates a report might be available for the June
Board Meeting.
OLD BUSINESS: Maintenance Group presentation tabled until the June
21st board meeting.
NEW BUSINESS: Pool Director will investigate cost for new pool heater in
September , along with ordering a new pool cover.
Meeting adjourned @1:40 pm
Notes respectfully submitted by Secretary, Pearl Prevoir