June 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

6945 Dog Leg Way
Fort Myers, Fl 33919
Board Meeting Notes June 21, 2022
President: Joyce Morris
Vice President &
Pool Director: Noreen Bailey
Treasurer: Linda Fentner
Secretary &
Clubhouse Director Pearl Prevoir
Grounds Director. Sandy Levinthal ( via phone)
Unit Director: Lisa Kaiser
All board members available, quorum met.
Maintenance Update: Mike reports the list of gutters needing repair
has been updated with only a few still leaking. The ducks are still a
problem at the pool. He will remove the red flags that are over the
pool since they no longer intimidate the ducks. Mike will schedule
power washing of the outside of the clubhouse and surrounding
walkways at the clubhouse area.
President Morris called the meeting to order @ 1:00 PM.
Secretary’s Report: May 19th Board Meeting notes reviewed by all
board members with no recommendations for changes or additions.
Motion made to accept report as read and seconded. All members
were in favor, motion passed. Pearl thanked Mike for hanging a
temporary bulletin board on the outside wall of the clubhouse.
All social groups are invited to post their monthly activities on this
board. A glass enclosed, weatherproof board will be ordered and
mounted on the same location in early fall.
Treasurer’s Report: Linda reviewed the financial report of June 21,
2022.There were no changes or corrections requested. $94, 794.00
paid to Sabal Roofing and Construction Company for the extra
materials required to complete the roof Installations. The next large
expenditure expected is the Flood Insurance. Linda reports we have
2 new owners and 2 new lessees.
Vice President’s Report: Noreen reviewed items put in the Myerlee
Circle Welcome Bag for new owners. The Welcome Committee
requests to add the Myerlee Social Group’s list of activities and a
baked item. Board does not recommend food to be added to the
Welcome bag because of concerns about COVID and suggests using
one calendar for all community activities and events. Julia and Pearl
will work on a new template for the monthly newsletter which will
include a combined calendar.
Noreen presented information on different items/ devices that are
recommended to eradicate the Duck problem, such as:
1) inflatable pool floats,
2) reflective tape,
3) automatic pool cleaner, and/or
4) return sprinkler
Motion made to buy the pool return sprinkler now, at cost of no
more then $40.00. The motion was seconded and passed
unanimously. Joyce asked Noreen to bring pictures and additional
information on the fountain for the next board meeting.
President’s Update: Now that we have more groups wanting to use
the clubhouse, Joyce put together guidelines to be followed by all
groups and owners after meetings with some of the group
representatives. All requests for use of the clubhouse must be sent
to the Secretary to be uploaded onto our website, after the request
is approved by the Clubhouse Director, then sent to Julia Tepper by
the 25th of each month to be placed on the monthly calendar.
Joyce presented a Board Disclaimer regarding sharing Myerlee
Circle’s Directory Information. The disclaimer went into effect as of
June 21, 2022.
“The Board of Directors of Myerlee Circle Condominium Association
is making a statement of record that any and all social groups are
not authorized to share the directory information with anyone
outside the Condominium Association Owners. This includes any
information taken from the directory that is included in emails and
any other type of media, such as Facebook and group emails, that
include anyone not residing or owning a unit in our Association.”
Respectfully submitted
Board of Directors of Myerlee Circle Condominium Association
Joyce explained the process used by our insurance company to
determine the premium for our Flood Insurance. After discussion
about the appraisal process that determines the insurable value of
our buildings, and the amount of savings the Association would
receive, a motion was made and seconded to use the 2021 appraisal,
all in favor, motion passed. The President scheduled a presentation
about Scams which will be presented by a representative of a local
Credit Union. . Information about Hurricane preparedness will be
presented by the President. A notice will be sent to all owners.
Joyce reports that the association has been working with our legal
council on two(2) owner property issues.
Unit Director Report: Lisa obtained several quotes for cleaning of
dryer vents, which must be done by owners, yearly. She will include
this information for the monthly update sent to owners. Roof
installation completed but Sabal has some minor repairs he must
complete. Lisa obtaining quotes for damaged gutters that require
replacement. She reviewed her vision of creation of a Maintenance
Team. Decision on this request tabled until the next meeting.
Grounds Director: Sandy working from home. She is routinely in
contact with the maintenance man and our landscape provider. An
owner questioned what is her responsibility when/if she plants new
shrubs and/or replacement shrubs. The Question was tabled until
the next board meeting, in order for the board to review the current
procedures. Sandy indicates money going back into her budget
because the landscaper could not fertilize our grounds in March
due to the roofing installation activity and other problems.
Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded and approved by all @
2:43 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Secretary, Pearl Prevoir