July 2022 Board Meeting Minutes
President. Joyce Morris
Vice President & Pool
Director. Noreen Bailey
Treasurer. Linda Fentner
Secretary & Clubhouse
Director. Pearl Prevoir
Grounds Director. Sandy Levinthal (skype)
Unit Director. Lisa Kaiser
All board members in attendance, quorum met.
Maintenance Update: Mike reports that the motion sensor sprinkler seems
to be keeping the ducks away. He is in the midst of power washing the
clubhouse, followed by painting the front doors and refreshing the NO
PARKING sign in front of the clubhouse. He reports the cost of chemicals
for the pool have increased quite a bit this month, 1 chemical previously
cost $149.00 but now costs $209.00 Mike states he seems to need to use
more chemicals this year.
President Morris called the meeting to order @ 1:05 PM.
Secretary/ Clubhouse Director Reports: Board members reviewed the June
19, 2022 Board Notes that were distributed by the secretary. No content
issues addressed, motion made to accept notes as presented, seconded
with no discussion so motion carried. Clubhouse report: Pearl reports that
the clubhouse carpet was scheduled to be cleaned in 2022. She made a
motion, stating, if the budget allows, the clubhouse carpet of the primary
room, will be scheduled to be cleaned by the end of September of 2022 and
if the cost to clean it will not exceed $600.00. Motion seconded with no
discussion, motion carried.
Secretary distributed pictures of a moveable white board for use by board
members and/ or during guest’s presentations plus a weatherproof
enclosed bulletin board to be used by all association groups for
communication of different activities. Pearl made a motion to buy both
items by the end of September if the cost does not exceed $325.00, and, as
the budget allows. Motion seconded with no discussion, motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Linda reviewed the June Financials, and reports that
the Flood Insurance has been paid.
President’s Report: Now that the Flood Insurance has been paid, we must
build up our funds in preparation to pay other insurance premiums that are
due in February.
The goal is to get as many of the gutters taken care of this year as possible.
The money for many of these projects comes from our Reserve Account.
Lisa made a Motion to spend $217.20 for 20 Splash guards, motion
seconded with no discussion. Motion carried. Joyce reminded all Directors
to submit their 2022-2023 budgets to the Treasurer in preparation for the
Budget Committee meetings which will start in September.
Vice President, Pool Director Reports: Noreen evaluating the type and cost
for a new pool heater as our current heater is not operational. She is also
checking costs for a new pool cover. Noreen reports that the cost for the
pool chemicals has increased by 20%. Noreen made a motion to edit the
previous duck deterrent device from $40.00 to spending $75.00. Motion
seconded, no discussion, motion carried.
Grounds Director’s Report: Sandy reviewed the Rules & Regulations of
MCCA for Unit Owners involvement with landscape issues and desires as
stated on Page 17 of the Directory. Since it appears that the last sentence
of this paragraph is contradictory to the explanation given, Joyce requests
that Sandy review this paragraph and submit suggestions, ideas to the
board. If changes are recommended, the board will discuss the changes at
the September Board Meeting. Sandy reminds all owners to complete a
Maintenance request for any landscape concerns or questions.
Unit Director’s Report: Lisa explains that there are 10 units with severely
damaged gutter guards that require repairs. The previous gutter guards
that were purchased before the new roofs were installed are not
appropriate for the new roofs. Previously, Lisa had obtained quotes from
several other contractors but has found Sabal Construction the most cost
effective. Lisa has made a motion to approve Sabal Construction & Roofing
to complete the repair of 10 gutters for the amount of $4,900.00 and for the
Unit Director to purchase the 10 boxes of new gutter guards, not to exceed
$2,800.00 plus tax. The total of $7,700.00 to be included in the Roof
Reserves since these repairs directly affect water removal from our new
roofs and could jeopardize our roofing guarantee. President Morris asked if
there was any discussion on this motion, none given. Motion carried as all
directors were in agreement with the motion, as stated.
Lisa reviewed her vision and purpose of recommending creation of a
Maintenance Team. Joyce has gathered all the necessary information
explaining our insurance coverage for these volunteers. Lisa made a
motion, effective today, that we create a maintenance team of home assist
in keeping our homes looking well maintained and cared for, all in favor,
motion carried. The following have agreed to serve on this team:
Tom & Lisa Kaiser. Phil Hoffman
Paul Salvagin. Cynthia McComb
Chuck Prevoir. Linda Fentner
Eric Stephans. Melanie Cash
Randy Thomson. Linda Casteel
Terry Lowry
Lisa is working with Maintenance on repair of gutters and the dryer vents
will be done on 7/20/22 by a private company.
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for September 20, 2022.
Pearl made a Motion that if it is necessary for an emergency Board meeting
to take place anytime during the month of August, the board would follow
notification protocol of owners, about the board meeting and a Zoom
connection would be available for owners.
Meeting adjourned @ 2:35 pm
Report respectfully submitted by Pearl Prevoir