September 2022 Board Meeting Minutes
Board Notes September 20, 2022
President: Joyce Morris
Vice President/ Pool Director. Noreen Bailey
Treasurer. Linda Fentner
Secretary/ Clubhouse Director. Pearl Prevoir
Unit Director. Lisa Kaiser
Ground’s Director. David Ferris
All Board members present, quorum was met.
Maintenance Report: Mike plans to pressure wash the clubhouse, pool and the deck, in
October. Also, pending the frequency and amount of rain, Mike hopes to turn on the
irrigation system in October, after he returns from his honeymoon.
President Morris called the meeting to order@ 1:00 PM.
Secretary’s Report: The July 19, 2022 Board Notes were sent to all Board members for
review before the September 19th Board meeting. Motion was made to accept the July
19th Board notes as submitted, motion seconded, motion passed. Pearl reports the
carpet cleaning company agrees to clean and apply protection solution to the clubhouse
carpet for a fee of $600.00. Cleaning scheduled for October 26, 2022.
Treasurer’s Report: Linda presented the August and September Treasurer’s report. She
states that flood Insurance for 2022 has been paid. Linda reminded the Directors to
submit any additional line items needed/ wanted for the 2023 Budget as soon as
possible. This information is needed for the next budget committee meeting. She
reports that the Accountant is reviewing the 2023 Budget recommendations at this time.
President’s Report: Joyce reviewed the list of end of year expenses with the directors.
Each Director had the opportunity to support and/ or change the items or monies they
requested, as part of the 2022 Budget. She identified and discussed the Recurring
Monthly Expenses, the associations financial obligations and the type and cost of some
of the insurance policies we currently have.
Vice President’s Report: Noreen identified and described the replacement pool heater,
cooler that she recommends the Association purchase. Money has already been
approved to pay for the new heater, cooler. It is from GulfStream, has a 2 year
guarantee, will save us money on electricity and chemicals and installation is included in
the price. The salesman states he will offer this price until the end of September, 2022,
expects 30% down with 2 months to pay at 0% interest. He requests a purchase order
within 10 days. Noreen has also found a reasonable priced pool cover. Due to the
increased cost of pool chemicals, Noreen will investigate the cost of bulk buying of
certain pool chemicals.
Lisa Kaiser made a motion to accept the end of year funds, or additional funds, as they
become available, for the 2022 budget. Before taking a vote on the motion, the
President opened the floor for discussion. Dave Ferris questioned monies available for
landscape needs in 2022 which were not previously noted on the end of year budget.
He agreed to change some of the landscaping requests until 2023. No further
discussion took place. motion was seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
Grounds Director: Dave addressed questions regarding weed issues, noted by some
owners, in the September Newsletter. Concerns were presented by several owners
about standing water and possible blocked storm drains. Dave will check the identified
problem storm drains for any problems. He contacted the county office about speed
signs for our community but has not received a return call, will follow up. Association
considering installing one(1) speed sign to be posted at the entrance of the community.
Unit Director’s Report: New gutter guards to be installed. The Maintenance Team
cleaned and organized the maintenance shed, making it easier and safer for staff and
owners to move around, when inside. If needed, there now is space to store pool
chemicals. Lisa indicates that some units require repairs to their windowsills but cannot
go forward with this project until she is aware of her actual budget. The Maintenance
Team’s next project is to help remove weeds from Association property.
New Business: Julia Tepper, President of the Women’s Club, presented information on
changes and Improvements of the monthly newsletter. Sample newsletters were
handed out to the Board members for review. Some changes will be initiated in the
October newsletter. Hopefully, owners and board members will submit their response
and/or suggestions about the changes, by sending an email to Julia Tepper.
Next Board Meeting scheduled for October 18, 2022 @ 1:00 PM.
Motion made to adjourn meeting, seconded , all approved, motion carried. Meeting
adjourned at 2:16 PM.
Board Notes respectfully submitted by Pearl Prevoir, Secretary