December 2022 Board Meeting Minutes
President. Joyce Morris
Vice President/Pool Director. Noreen Bailey
Treasurer. Linda Fentner
Secretary/Clubhouse Director. Pearl Prevoir
Unit Manager. Lisa Kaiser
Ground’s Director. Dave Ferris not available
Maintenance Report:
Mike reports that he investigated the reason for the lack of electricity @ Myerlee Circle front
sign. Apparently the landscapers used edges behind the sign, which cut the wires. Mike
repaired the cut wires and installed a new sensor @ the lamp post. Mike will talk with Angel
after he returns from vacation. Residents asking when all the remaining debris piles will be
removed, no schedule available at this time.
Site I technician for John Deere pump ,had to send out the circuit board to be diagnosed. After
return and installation of the Circuit Board, Mike must check each section to be sure they all are
working properly.
The Timer box, by the pool pit, was knocked down by the Hurricane, fell into some water, now
needs to be rewired. Mike will get an estimate for the cost.
The Pool pump is now working. The Technician recommended that we obtain and install a surge
protector and a PIC HVAC for the compressor which cost about $225.00. These 2 items will
help the association save money. Mike has not received any information on the status of repairs
of our old golf cart.
Meeting called to order by President Morris @ 1:40 pm. First order of business was to vote on a
new board member, Cynthia McComb.She has volunteered to become the Pool & Clubhouse
Director. Motion made by Lisa Kaiser to approve Cynthia as the Pool/ Clubhouse Director,
seconded by Noreen Bailey, no discussion, so motion passed.
Secretary / Clubhouse Reports
11/14/22 Board Meeting Notes, 11/22/22 Owner’s Meeting Notes and 11/26/22 Emergency
Budget Meeting Notes were all emailed to board members for review prior to this meeting. Two
minor changes requested and completed. Motion made to accept all reports as submitted, no
additional discussion took place, so motion approved by all Board members and motion passed.
Secretary offered updates on a recent ESA request, identified the date of the upcoming Annual
Meeting and discussed recent electrical problems that took place in the clubhouse. It appears
that kitchen outlets cannot support multiple electrical devices plugged in, at the same time.
Although there has not been frequent outages, it may be wise to have a dedicated person
set-up the cooking devices in the safest outlets. The maintenance staff may be called on to set
these items up when, if cooking will take place in the clubhouse. Further discussion to take place
@ next Board meeting. Ron McManus questioned our ability to install a separate breaker box
that would cover the microwave but this idea had been evaluated in the past and found not to be
Treasurer’s Report
Linda reviewed the monthly Financial report. Rich Rosenthal asked if we have many
delinquencies for the year? As stated by the President, We only have 1 deficit which is due to an
owner who “walked away ”from her condo.
President’s Report
Joyce reports that there is no deadline for Angel to finish the clean-up. The Ground’s Director is
working closely with Angel on identified work still required to be completed.
Joyce reviewed the list of estimates already submitted, but, still waiting for a few other
companies to send in their estimates. All the estimates are needed in order to be prepared to
complete the application for a loan from SBA. The President explained several different
possibilities for the association to pay the cost of repairs and or replacement for damages
caused by Hurricane IAN. There was a review of the cost for the association’s insurance
premiums and what we take in monthly.
Vice President/Pool Director’s Report
Pool heater installed. Service call required due to non- functioning heater. After this repair, a
second service call was needed . The Technician found that the pool control panel breakers
were completely melted which was caused by previous weather problems. Surge protector and
new panel installed. Repair man recommends installation of a PIC HVAC Start to prolong the life
of the panel. New portable pool shower installed. The Pool Director received a quote to replace
the lanai caging and gutter. Noreen is looking into buying 2 new outdoor umbrellas for the lanai
area and states she is still in need of more volunteers to put on and take off the pool cover. This
request will go into the next newsletter.
Unit Director’s Report
Lisa reports that repairs for Irven’s windowsill and the pool lanai cannot be scheduled until Sabal
receives the signed Notice of Commencement from the association before scheduling repairs.
Motion made by Lisa to add additional volunteers to the Maintenance Team: Dave Morris, Dave
Ferris, Linc Freese, Bob McComb, and Phil and Brenda Vania. Motion was seconded, no
discussion took place so motion passed.
At this time, Noreen noted we did not make a motion to obtain the PIC HVAC, for the
compressor which was recommended by the repair technician. First Motion was made by
Noreen to buy the PIC HVAC start, no discussion needed, motion seconded with addition of
statement by Pearl, that we would spend no more then $250.00;motion was carried.
Ground’s Director Report:
Dave not present. President will contact him regarding communications with owners about pole
light repairs.
New Business:
Tom Kaiser requests permission to move his outdoor electric outlet to a different outdoor
location. Motion made to approve this move, seconded with no discussion offered, motion
Gail Kaim presented information regarding installation of new lanai windows. Board determined
a motion to approve the new lanai windows were not required as they meet the Doc
Old Business:
Phil & Brenda Vania not present @ meeting. Agenda item tabled.
The President recommends that Tom Schiavo present his concerns about second hand smoke
and the dedicated area for dogs to use for deposit of their waste products until the January
Board meeting, as few owners were attending this meeting. Tom agreed , so topics were tabled.
Next meeting is scheduled for January 17; 2023.
Motion made to adjourn the meeting, seconded, so approved.
Report respectfully submitted by Pearl Prevoir, Secretary.