January 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Notes January 24, 2023
President: Joyce Morris
Vice President: Noreen Bailey
Secretary: Pearl Prevoir
Ground’s Director: Dave Ferris
Unit Director: Lisa Kaiser
Pool/Clubhouse Director. Cynthia McComb
Maintenance Report: Mike reports that the Irrigation Circuit panel
is still out for repair with no expected return date at this time.
Ground’s Director asked Mike to contact the repair company directly
to obtain status on the repair of the panel and expected return
date. Joyce suggests Mike work with Dave to obtain the appropriate
contact number of the company doing the repair and call them
Mike has had to repair electric problems at the front sign of the
community several times, which were caused by the landscapers. His
next project is to attempt to rewire the irrigation box. His work
schedule is busy now, so plans to install the needed gutter guards,
by, or before, the rainy season.
President Morris asked Mike about the status of the Garbage area.
Mike states it is pretty good, but is always a challenge. Brenda
Vania reports seeing a non- Myerlee resident dumping garbage in
our dumpster. She has taken a picture of this person’s car, including
the license number. Dave Ferris will check the picture for the license
number and attempt to obtain the owner’s name and address.
President Morris called the meeting to order at 1:35 pm.
Secretary’s Report:
Pearl states that the Emergency Board Notes of 1/16/23 and Board
Notes 1/24/23 were emailed to all Board members prior to this
meeting, and all requested changes or additions have been
completed. Motion made to accept both reports, seconded, no
discussion took place so reports accepted as read. Secretary
reports that proxies for the Annual Meeting will soon be mailed. She
reminded all Board members to be sure to lock the office file
cabinets and doors when they leave the Board office.
President’s Report:
Joyce reminded all owners to use a Maintenance Request/
Landscape Request form to obtain proper guidance when wanting
to plant/change bushes. Ground’s Director also reminded owners
not to talk to the landscape staff about any requests, but to submit
a maintenance/landscape form.
Old maintenance cart repairs should be completed in several weeks,
with hopes it then can be sold. Any monies made will then go back
into the Reserves.
Joyce reports that she recently received claim information, in
multiple packets, from the insurance company, that requires review
and organization. She has contacted our insurance representative
for an appointment to review all the information. The Board will
consider hiring a Public Adjuster to assist with any claim issues
found, if determined appropriate, after the meeting with the
insurance representative.
Treasurer, Linda Fentner, out ill. Joyce reviewed the monthly
Vice President’s report, presented by Cynthia McComb, as the VP
has a case of severe laryngitis. Noreen is still waiting for the invoice
from the electrical contractor.
Ground’s Director Report:
Dave received an estimate of $2,841.00, from a local electrical
contractor to replace the association’s damaged light poles. This
includes 3 posts and lamp heads, damaged or missing lights for the
clubhouse walkway and all necessary electrical repairs. Dave made a
motion to ask the electrician to hold this price till the association
can schedule the work. Motion seconded after some discussion,
motion passed. Homeowners reminded that if they plan to do their
own repair or hire a different electrician to repair their light pole,
they must get approval from the Ground’s Director for the light they
want to put on the pole. Joyce requests Dave check the cost for new
street signs, possibly larger than our current signs. Dave reports
that the “hole”, in the front yard of 1291 MCCB is not a sinkhole and is
not a threat to the condominium. The landscaper appears to have
completed 99% of his punch list, given to him by Dave.
Unit Director’s Report:
Lisa reports that the Irven’s windowsill is on the schedule to be
repaired and their replacement window is due to be delivered on
2/14/23. Owners of 1347 Bunker Way are having a problem with
cracks in their driveway. Lisa has Investigated the appropriate
repair for these cracks and will schedule the repair. Although this is
not a permanent “fix”, the Unit Director will monitor the results
Pool/ Clubhouse Director’s Report:
Some owner’s have asked for the pool heater to be raised above 85
degrees. Cynthia states that 85 degrees is the recommended
temperature for this pool size. She recommends some bushes be
removed from around the pool to help decrease the algae build-up.
She reports the spring on one of the lanai doors is rusty and should
be replaced.
Cynthia will contact the carpet cleaners to schedule the cleaning of
the clubhouse carpet. The Women’s Club offered to donate money to
help defray the cost of the carpet cleaning.
Motion made to adjourn the meeting, seconded, so moved.
Meeting adjourned @ 2:06 pm.
Board Notes respectfully submitted by Pearl Prevoir, Secretary