March 2023 Board Minutes


6945 Dog Leg Way

Fort Myers, Fl 33919





President: Joyce Morris

VicePresident: Noreen Bailey

Treasurer: Linda Fentner

Secretary: Pearl Prevoir

Ground’s Director: Dave Ferris

Pool/Clubhouse Director: Cynthia McComb

Unit Director: Tom Kaiser


Meeting called to order by President Morris at 1:15PM. Maintenance staff on vacation this week.

Secretary’s Report:

Secretary emailed the 2/21/23 Board Notes to all Board members, for review, prior to today’s meeting. All changes and errors identified were corrected with no additional changes requested at this time. The report stands as read. Pearl indicates that the March 6th Annual Meeting paperwork was filed and the necessary forms were sent to our legal council. A gentle reminder was shared with the attending owners and Board Members to submit a new key when doors or locks r changed.


Treasurer’s Report:

Linda reviewed the monthly financials and reminded board members to identify items they buy on their submitted receipts.


VicePresident’s Report:

No report @ this time


President’s Report:

Joyce was informed that the maintenance cart was repaired and should be returned within another week. She had the company install a new

windshield. Joyce continues to contact SBA weekly,regarding our loan request, they state the request is still under review.

The President asked Larry Wynberg to follow up on the repair of the irrigation system. He contacted the company, Site 1, working on the drive to check the status of the repair and discuss if they could offer any solution(s) for the broken part in order to get the irrigation system up and running.

Contact person did locate a “new part” that had been sitting around for the past 10 years. He sent the part to be charged and evaluated to see if it would meet our system’s requirements. Larry mentioned the possibility of renting this part, short term, till our part is repaired and returned. We must wait to see if it will charge and go through the additional steps that will identify what other repairs needed to get the system up and running.

In the future, Larry will check the cost of an updated irrigation system.

The Public Adjuster contacted Joyce to inform her that his service will not be helpful to our association due to the limited damage by Hurricane IAN. Joyce is still waiting for estimates on repair for the irrigation system, Association pole lights and damage to some condos due to falling trees.

The insurance company Engineer completed the evaluation of the units that he was allowed to enter. His report should be completed and submitted to the insurance company in about 2 weeks from his visit.


Ground’s Report:

Dave reports that our landscapers will fill in the depression on the front lawn of unit#1291 MCCB. Evaluation of the depression has proven it is not a ‘sinkhole”. He also states that planting of any bushes or trees will not take place until the irrigation system is functioning properly.

Mr. Sparky was called in to give the Association an estimate for repair or replacement of the broken pole lights in the community. Dave will attempt to locate another electrician for a third estimate.

Dave requests that the monthly Board meeting start @ 1:30 PM due to his work schedule. All Board members in agreement.


Pool/Clubhouse Reprt:

Ducks are still visiting our pool so we continue to use the pool cover nightly. Several people mentioned safety concerns about the Clubhouse chairs.

Cynthia requests the Board consider including some money in the 2024 budget to help buy new chairs. No decision made at this time.


Unit Director:

Several owners have encountered sewer problems that have been resolved. Tom will work with the owners of unit #6911 Tee Way. They are very displeased with repair made to a windowsill as well as installation of a new window.


Next meeting scheduled for April 18, 2023 @ 1:30PM

Dave Ferris made a motion to adjourn the meeting @ 2:40 PM, seconded by Linda Fentner.


Board Meeting Notes respectfully submitted by Pearl Prevoir, Secretary.