April 2023 Board Minutes





Vice President:

Treasurer: Secretory.

Ground’s Director:

Unit Director:



APRIL 18, 2023

Joyce Morris Noreen Bailey

Linda Fentner

Pearl Prevoir

Dove Ferris Tom Kaiser

Pool/Clubhouse Director.

Cynthia McComb

MAINTENANCE REPORT: Mike reports he has identified and redirected some of the sprinkler heads located on Myerlee Country Club Blvd. He reports that he has the irrigation system scheduled to water the lawns

three (3) times per week, on a rotating schedule. Some owners identified additional sprinkler heads that need redirection.

Meeting called to order by President Morris @ 1:40 PM.

SECRETARYS REPORT: The secretary distributed the March 21, 2023 Board Notes for Review by all the Board members. The Correction requested by the Ground’s Director was accepted and the March 21st Board Notes were corrected and accepted as submitted. Website changes are on hold until additional volunteers are available. We are also evaluating the need for change of the current Emergency Form to include long-term lessee’s

contact Information.

TREASURERS REPORT: The Financial report is not available at this time. It will be presented at the next board meeting.

VICE PRESIDENTS REPORT: No report @ this time

PRESIDENTS REPORT: President Morris presented an overview of damages due to Hurricane IAN and what we are doing. Sabal

Construction is completing the repairs of the damaged soffits and fascia and will then schedule the repairs of the gutters and downspouts. The street signs and community lights have been put up repaired, by some

of our volunteers. Motion mode by Dove and seconded by Noreen for Lorry Wynberg and Phil Hoffman to be on the Maintenance Team, there was no discussion, motion passed. The irrigation repair was completed but we still have on owner on Bunker Way with much damage to their lanai

due to the Hurricane. The cost of the repair is over $3,000.00.

Joyce reports that the Board still is unsure if the SBA loon will be approved which means the Board must investigate other options. The insurance company has not completed their review of our request for

additional benefits under our property insurance.

Our old maintenance cart was repaired and returned. Per the cart repair shop, the old cart is only worth $2,000.00 so it may be worth keeping the

old cart vs o back -up for the maintenance team. A decision will be made

at a later date.

President Morris reviewed the Service agreement from Site One for the Green Tech Pump. Concerns about the agreement were presented by Dove and Tom. A Motion was mode by Dave to accept the contract , seconded by Pearl, with a show of hands, 6 members voted YES, 1 member voted NO.

motion passed. Before the Board accepts the agreement, as is, Joyce

asked Dave to contact Site One to obtain answers to the concerns raised.

GROUND DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Dave reports that some owners are not following the Rules and Regulations on the use of the Dumpsters, either for

trash deposit or recyclables. This creates a problem for other owners. He reminded the owners who were present at the Board meeting that the Trash Dumpster should not be used for any Construction items, No plastic bags in recycle bins and all cardboard should be cut -up.

Dave will be talking with our Landscaper regarding issues with the Memorial Garden, and other landscape needs.

UNIT DIRECTORS REPORT: Tom reports that we had to repair sewage bock-up in 3 units. The soffit and fascia repairs are completed at a lower

cost. The gutter repairs should be started in several weeks. We are now

experiencing a rodent problem in one of the units. He obtained on

estimate from one company to manage this problem on a monthly basis. A

discussion took place regarding the maintenance staffs availability to manage this rodent problem versus hiring a company. Further discussion

will take place before o board decision will be made. Tom also recommends the landscapers need to trim and cut down bushes behind

the building with the rodent problem. The President recommends that she meet with the Unit Director and the Ground’s Director to further discuss

this situation.

Tom identified 20 units, due to Hurricane IAN, that have spots on their ceilings which will require painting. He obtained on estimate from one company for the work. The President recommends obtaining additional estimates before a decision is made. The work may need to be done in small groups at a time. Tom discussed the importance for owners to obtain the Contractor’s information before they start their work.

POOL DIRECTOR /CLUBHOUSE REPORT: Cynthia states she is still waiting for the electrician to fix clubhouse lights. Although she continuously removes the brick that owners use to prop open the pool door,

“someone”always uses it to keep the pool door slightly ajar. Eventually, the spring on the pool door will be ruined, if this continues. She also reports that several people asked if the safety tape can be removed. All members ore in agreement that the tape must stay in place until lanai repairs are initiated.

Next Boord Meeting scheduled for 5/16/23 @1:30 PM

Motion made by Dave Ferris to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Linda,

meeting adjourned @ 3:00 PM.

Report respectfully submitted by Pearl Prevoir, Secretary