January 2024 Newsletter


January 2024


6945 Dog Leg Way, Fort Myers,FL  33919

Phone 239-481-8387                                   board@myerleecircle.com

Editor: Julia Tepper






Myerlee Circle Homeowners,


As your newly appointed President and former VP, I just want to say it has been a challenging year for all of us here at MCCA. Some of the challenges we have faced and will continue to face are hurricane repairs, increased cost of the association insurance, landscaping woes, and changes in Board members. Your Board is solid and is diligently working on all issues with hope and plans for a great 2024.


With a big thank you for your patience, support, and help, we wish you all a very Happy New Year.


Your Board,


Noreen Bailey, Linda Fentner, Pearl Prevoir,

Tom Kaiser, Cynthia McComb, Charles Flugger




All homeowners have an obligation to follow the Myerlee Condominium Association documents,

including the Rules and Regulations. For your convenience, a copy of both the DOCS and Rules and Regulations can be found on the Myerlee Condo Association website.


Visiting Animals: family members, or friends, are not allowed to bring their pets when visiting, unless the pet is an approved emotional support animal (ESA) or service dog. A copy of the approval must be given to the ESA committee member at the time of visit.


Replacement of ESA: If an ESA (Emotional Support Animal) passes away, the owner must notify the ESA committee @ (239)481-8387. The owner is allowed to replace the animal only after completing the necessary paperwork that can be obtained by contacting the ESA

committee member @ (239) 481-8387.




Magazine Contributions:

We appreciate the contributions of current magazines. We ask that the magazines be dropped off in the large library room, making it easier to filter out the duplicates before making them available for residents


Sunshine Committee: Please inform Jane Lowry @(504)669-6396 if you or someone you know is going through an illness or injury, undergoing treatment, recovering from surgery or, celebrating a special event, so she can send a card.


Thank you to the Unit and Grounds Director for repairing the light at our front entrance.


Some owners have lost front bushes due to Hurricane IAN. Our Maintenance man is in the process of removing these bushes. This project will take time to complete due to the number of dead bushes that need to be removed.




Due to the New Year’s holiday, the Women’s Club

meeting will be held on Monday, January 8, at 10:00 am.

Meetings are held on the first Monday of the month at the clubhouse at 10:00 am.

From 10:00 to 10:30 am we will have a social time with coffee and pastries. Meeting will start promptly at 10:30 am. Come and join us. All are welcome.




The Book Club meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 9  at 11:00 am. Lunch to follow. Place for lunch  TBD.

The book Club Meetings are  held on the second Tuesday of the month in our clubhouse. All are welcome.                   

In December we will be reading a selection of our own.

For any questions or more information about the Book Club, please contact Kelley Bless at 239-437-2050.




The Men’s Club breakfast will be held on Saturday, January 13, from 8:30 am- 9:30am  

Join your friends and neighbors for a delicious breakfast of pancakes, eggs, sausages, cinnamon styks, fruit, and coffee. The cost is $5.00.




Due to the Trash & Treasures Sale, January’s Board  meeting will be held on  January 23, at 1:30 pm. 

Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month.

Owners are invited.

Owners should notify the Secretary if they want to be on the Agenda.


Please leave your name and message, including the topic you would like to discuss. @ (239) 481-8387, by Friday before the board meeting.




The Women’s Club Trash and Treasures sale will be held again this year on  January 19 & 20,  2024. 

from 7:00 am to 1:00pm.

On Friday, January 19 the sale will be open from 9:00-11:00 for  Myeerlee  Circle’s  residents only.

We are in need of donations. Household items, such as furniture, electronics, outdoors/gardening, books, toys, 

suitcases, handbags, etc. NO CLOTHING PLEASE.  All items must be in good condition.

If you are donating electronics, Please test them ahead of time to make sure that they are working properly.

Contact Mike, at 239-247-4703 for items to be picked up. Items will be picked up on Wednesdays.

Please do not leave items outside the door of the maintenance building when it is closed.

We are  also having a Bake Sale. Volunteer bakers are needed. We welcome all kinds of baked goods, home made or even store bought.

Cakes, breads, brownies, muffins, cookies, etc. All items must be individually wrapped.

Please bring your baked goods to the clubhouse on Friday the 19th at 5:00 pm.


All proceeds from the sale goes to some of the improvements of the clubhouse’s interior, and community activities. Your donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you!


RETARDED GRANDPARENTS – (this was actually reported by a teacher)

After Christmas, a teacher asked her young pupils how they spent their holiday away from school.

One child wrote the following:

We always used to spend the holidays with Grandma and Grandpa.

They used to live in a big brick house but Grandpa got retarded and they moved to Batemans Bay where everyone lives in nice little houses, and so they don’t have to mow the grass anymore! 

They ride around on their bicycles and scooters and wear name tags because they don’t know who they are anymore.

They go to a building called a wreck centre, but they must have got it fixed because it is all okay now. They do exercises there, but they don’t do them very well.

There is a swimming pool too, but they all jump up and down in it with hats on.

At their gate, there is a doll house with a little old man sitting in it. He watches all day so nobody can escape. Sometimes they sneak out, and go cruising in their golf carts!

Nobody there cooks, they just eat out. And, they eat the same thing every night — early birds.

Some of the people can’t get out past the man in the dollhouse. The ones who do get out, bring food back to the wrecked centre for potluck.

My Grandma says that Grandpa worked all his life to earn his retardment and says I should work hard so I can be retarded someday too.

When I earn my retardment, I want to be the man in the dollhouse. Then I will let people out, so they can visit their grandchildren.




Don’t forget these groups meeting every

week at the Circle Clubhouse for fun activities


The Myerlee Circle Art Group: will continue to meet at the Clubhouse every Thursday at 1:00pm

If you wish to join us please contact Julia Tepper at ocmjulia@gmail.com


Strength & Balance Chair Yoga Class:  Chair Yoga classes are held every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00 to 10.00 am at the Myerlee Circle clubhouse. If interested, please call Jane Lowry at 504-669-6396.

Water Aerobics: Water Aerobics classes will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, we meet at 10:00 am to 11:00 am. (except for the first Monday of the month.

For any questions, please call Noreen Bailey at 612-247-5275

Happy Hour: Meets every Thursday at the Clubhouse at 4:30 pm. Bring a snack of your choice along with your beverage and get in on the latest scoop.

Bocce Players:


Is Friday afternoons around 4:00 pm,come out to the Bocce court for some fun and  laughs. It is right behind the clubhouse. If you wish to use the court at any other time, you are welcome. 

The balls are in a silver case in the pool’s utility closet and the broom used to smooth the court is also in the pool’s utility closet

The shuffleboard Courts are ready for your use. 

The cue-sticks are in the clubhouse pantry on the side of the shelf next to the inside door.

The pucks are in a box on the floor just below the cue sticks.

For any information you may email Paul at phsalvagin@Gmail.com


– There is also corn hole, and the game equipment is in the clubhouse pantry behind the door. Bean bags for corn hole are in a canvas gag on the shelf 

in the pantry. Help yourself if you wish to use any of the equipment. 

You can set this up on the lawn to enjoy. 


Please return what you used to where you found it.  –Thank you




Our Christmas party was a huge success! 

We had a fantastic turnout, and everyone had a great time socializing, dancing, and listening to the music played by Mike Moniz.


A big thank you to the Women’s Club, Men’s Club, and the Social Group for their hard work in organizing the event.   👏  👏  👏