January 2018 Board minutes
Myerlee Circle Condominium Association
6945 Dog Leg Way
Fort Myers, FL 33919 January 16, 2018
President- Sandy Cummings
Treasurer- Linda Fentner
Secretary- John Schreiber
Director- Paul Salvagin
Director- David Ferris
Director- Kim Hanson
The meeting was called to order by President Cummings at 1:01pm. A
quorum was present.
Secretary’s report- The minutes of the December, 19 meeting were
read. A motion to approve the minutes was made by David Ferris; seconded
by Kim Hanson. The Board voted to approve the minutes. The Secretary
further is reported that he had received applications to run for the 2018
Board of Directors from: Pearl Prevoir, Kim Hanson, Linda Fentner, and
Larry Wynberg.
Treasurer’s Report-Linda reported a deficit of $11,250.56. A copy of
the various financial reports is attached. Linda asked who and what were
recent credit card expenditures were for. Sandy said they were postage.
John made a suggestion to reformat the Income Statement to show a Total
Operating line between the Total Utilities and Reserve; then drop the word
“Expense” after Reserve, change the line now entitle Total Operation
Expenses to Total Annual, and finally change the line now called Revenue
over Expenses to Difference, the report would be more readable. As it
stands now one would have to add up the Operating expenses or subtract
the total Reserves from the Total. There was some discussion on the
mathematics of computing the Operating Budget. The Operating Budget is
computed at $482,000, but the approved budget is $480,000. The
question was asked, “Do we have a deficit or not?” There was discussion on
whether the deficit was $11,259.45 or $15,861.65 or $20,676.45. It was
determined that the Total Operating Expenditures for FY 2017 were (at this
point) $384821.65 which is $15,861.65 in expenditures over the Budgeted
amount of $368,960 approved. If that is indeed the deficit amount, then
divided by one hundred units a Special Assessment charge of $158.62 per
unit should be considered. John and David then discussed the definition of
the term Balanced Budget. David stating that it containers all the income
available against all the proposed expenditures. John’s position is that it is
not necessary to budget all the revenue, you could have a surplus of cash at
year end. They agreed they were both correct. David said that the deficit
could be paid for with the cash surplus now on hand in the Treasurer’s
report, to wit: $23,867.59. John conceded that David was correct.
Everyone agreed with the idea the we could pay down the deficit with that.
The discussion was tabled for further study. John moved to accept the
Treasurer’s report; seconded by David. The Board voted to accept the
Clubhouse-Kim had nothing to report.
Grounds-Everyone received a copy of by the worksheet. A cable was
cut by Vargas Lawn Service. The cost to repair it is $60.00. The own from
wants the Assn. to pay for it. Kim made a motion that we pay the $60.00;
seconded by David. The Board voted in favor of making the payment.
Units-We have the final bills from Coppoing Roofing totaling $23,229.00. This.
payable from Reserves. John made a motion to pay Copping Roofing $23,229.00. It
was seconded by Kim. The Board voted its complete approval. Copping has yet to fix
seven lanais. After that we can deal with the ceilings which need repair. This eliminates
the roofing survey and its cost. John asked if Copping gave us any opinion on the roofs.
Dave said that Copping said everything is now in fine shape. John mentioned that we
want to confirm our budget estimates on the remaining useful life of the roof.
Therefore, the Reserve Study that we are going to have will include: roofs, irrigation
system, water delivery system, and pool. The water was of particular interest to Larry
The glazing estimate for the broken windows is from Glass Doctor in Fort
Myers. There are seven reglazing units to do for a total of $2,299.55. This
amount is going to come out of Mr. Summers last payment. John pointed out
that Summers bill is for $4,666.66. David stated that the $2,299.95 will be
deducted from that $4,666.66. John motioned that the $2,299.55 be paid to fix
the windows: seconded by Sandy. The Board voted approval unanimously.
Mold mitigation on Par Way will cost $2,173.96 to do the demolition.
David made a motion to approve the expenditure: Sandy seconded. The Board
voted it’s total approval. The owner Sharditz at 6933 Dogleg Way has not fixed
the garage door. David said that we will send her a letter saying that if it is not
repaired within a certain number of days we will proceed to make necessary
repair and bill Ms. Charnitz. John will write the letter.
Linda has proposed that owners going north for the summer notify the
Board, so that Board members could enter their units when they are gone to
make an inspection of the premises. Sandy stated she did not think it a good
idea, because it makes us responsible for the care of the unit. Linda agreed that it
would put liability on the Board. David mentioned that there are many “HouseWatch”
people to do the caretaking. It is the owner’s responsibility, to ensure
that the property is in a proper state of repair. David wants to send a letter to the
owners informing them of their responsibility and informing them of a number
hose-sitting firms who can visit their property to ensure its good condition.
Linda has requested that she be paid $1,100 in cash to fix-up her lanai.
Sandy said that we should fix the lanais all at the same time by the contractor of
our choice. It cost could end up being less by our contract. John asked if the
Board had done this type of transaction before? John thought that paying
contractors is what our precedent is, and that is the way we should go. Because
once we start making payments directly to owners then that’s the new precedent.
Sandy stated that when we pay the contractor we are sure that he is licensed and
insured properly. Linda said the firm that she would hire would be licensed.
Sandy asked if she seen the license? Dave offered that we wait on this to see
where she is when we get closer to fixing the other lanais.
Old Business- Plant replacement. Sandy has seen 44 shrubs that are not in suitable
condition. There is $6,000 budgeted for this for 2018.John motioned to purchase the
shrubs and have them planted. Kim seconded the motion. The Board voted approval
Interview Packages-Sandy will ask a Realtor to attend our next meeting to
educate us on the Interview and approval process from the Realtors
point of view. Sandy asked that before our next meeting, Board members should
look at the complete packages in our desk drawer to familiarize themselves with
the paperwork. Sandy said that we should keep a file of pending sales in our
office so that any Board member can see them and therefore now which
properties are changing hands. Sandy asked Linda if she received notice of a sale
from a Realtor directly? In other words, how do you know there is a sale
pending? Linda said it comes by e-mail to the Board e-mail. Sandy commented it
was good, so all Board members have access to it.
New Business-John mentioned how vital Linda was to the Board, but that she
had important business in her house. If she became disabled, how would we go
about executing the Board’s business? Linda replied, “Go to the accountant.”
John asked if he knows about property sales. Linda said “Yes” he gets the deed.
The main thing that we do is with the title companies. They need the financial
stuff. John said OK let us say that vouchers from vendors come in. Linda-they
come in the mail. It comes in, I code it; then I send it to Matland. Sandy- Where
does the mail come in? Linda-to my house. She said the arrangement was set up
a long time ago. Sandy said she does not think it should that way. The problem
is that if something happened to you we could not get into your house to get the
needed paperwork. Some of the mail even goes to Reggie. The utility bills are all
received and paid on-line. John asked if we have a contract with Matland? It
should be in our files. So, we could look it up and see what he does. Sandy stated
that the Board’s mail should come to the Board Office. It should be addressed to
this address. Linda stated that the arrangement was set up long ago and that she
had nothing to do with it.
John motioned that the meeting be adjourned. It was adjourned at 2:19pm