April 2018 Newsletter
On March 12 at the Organizational meeting, the following officers were elected:
President Larry Wynberg
Vice President John Schreiber
Secretary Pearl Prevoir
Treasurer Linda Fentner
Director David Ferris
Director Kim Hanson
As you can see the Board is one position short. The Board really needs the seventh member. If you have engineering, building, or scientific background, the Board would like to hear from you. Our new President has already expressed his desire to maximize owner participation in Board and committee activities. If you have expertise in building, electrical, plumbing, or engineering please consider volunteering for the Budgeting committee, or other of the committees to be established. Being on the Board or a committee will, among other things provide you with up to date information on the status and workings of your association.
Many insurance policies cover all or partial reimbursement for Association Special Assessments. The policy language may not make such coverage readily apparent by using terms specific to the industry. THEREFORE, if you think an item in your policy addresses this issue, call your insurance company representative and ask the question directly. Also ask what documentation might be needed to substantiate your claim
SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: All Special Assessments must be paid by April 16, 2018. The total of $300 per unit is due without exception. Send your payment to Myerlee Circle Condominium Assn., 6945 Dog Leg Way, Fort Myers, FL. 33919. ATTN: Linda Fentner.
The Board of Directors
WOMEN’S CLUB MEETING: Monday, April 2. All are welcome. Come and join us at 10:00 am for coffee. The meeting starts at 10:30 am. Please come and help us organize some of our Myerlee Circle activities
BAR B QUE: Join us in saying good bye to our Myerlee Circle Snowbirds. A bar b que will be held on Sunday, April 8, starting at 2:30 pm on the clubhouse lanai. Hotdogs and hamburgers will be served. Please bring a side dish to share with friends. BYOB…. Be ready to play bocce, shuffleboard, and corn toss. Anyone for a card game? Please call 774-994-1752 to leave a message if you will attend.
BOOK CLUB: The Book Club will be meeting on Tuesday, April 10 at 10:30 am. The meeting will be held at the Myerlee Country Club. Lunch will follow. This month we will be reading a selection of our own. For more information you may call Eileen Lightell at 239-415-9318
MEN’S PANCAKE BREAKFAST: ATTENTION Myerlee Circle Pancake Lovers! It’s April in Florida and several people have left for northern cooler weather already. In order for your Men’s Club attendants, bottle washers and cooks to
provide you with another Pancake Breakfast we would like to know how many will attend on April 14. Please call the Myerlee Circle Board office phone (239) 481 8387) and leave a message regarding the Pancake Breakfast and how many people will be with you. Cut off time for your “reservation” is Tuesday April 10, at 4:00 pm.
After that, we are off to buy groceries. Our thanks to all that have attended the Pancake Breakfast and to our Men’s Club kitchen staff and dining attendants for this past season. We served over 40 on several occasions and averaged about 35 per month.
With profits we were able to provide a few small items for the kitchen, we will be replacing the pool thermometer and pool clock with LARGER ones, (sorry no more perpetual 80 degree cold fronts), provided the community with 100 bags of mulch (Women’s Club purchased 50 bags too and provided an additional 10% discount, we may buy more if we can find a sale) and thanks to the men’s club volunteers for helping Mike spread it out.) Thanks again, we’ll look forward to next year! DON’T FORGET TO CALL IN AND MAKE YOUR RESERVATION FOR APRIL 14th!
POT LUCK DINNER: Our next Pot Luck dinner will be on Thursday, April 19 at 5:00 pm. If you are planning to attend, please call our office number 239-481-8387 and leave a message to place your reservation and let us know how many will attend. We would like to receive your request no later than April 17. Bring your favorite dish to share, and…. don’t forget your “adult beverage” J –See you there.
APRIL’S FIELD TRIPS: Historic Arcadia, and Imperial River Kayaking. See attached flyer
THANK YOU!! Our thanks to Bev Chandley for teaching the nine weeks T’ai Chi Chih class. Great Job!
WEEKLY ACTIVITIES: Don’t forget these groups meeting every week at the Circle Clubhouse for fun activities:
The Myerlee Circle Art Group meets at the Clubhouse every Thursday at 1:00pm. If you wish to join us, please call Barbara at 239-437-8242 for more information.
Water Aerobics: Water Aerobics will be held every Monday and Saturday mornings at 9:30 am. Classes will be cancelled when the morning temperature is 65 degrees or less.
Classes will be rescheduled week of Women’s club meeting and week of Men’s Breakfast. Any questions, please call Pearl Prevoir at 774-994-1752.
Knitting and Crocheting Group: The “Knitting/Crocheting for Charity” group will be meeting on the 4th and the 11th of April, at The Myerlee Country Club at 2:00 pm. All are welcome.
If you have any questions, please contact Joni Johnson at jmjfhjbeach@aol.com. Please mention Knitting group in the subject line OR call Joni at 239-765-9214. See you there!!!
Happy Hour meets every Thursday at 4:30 in the Clubhouse. Bring a snack of your choice along with your beverage and get in on the latest scoop.
Bocce Players: On Friday afternoons around 4:00, why not come out to the Bocce court for some fun and laughs. It is right behind the clubhouse. If you wish to use the court at any other time, you are welcome. The balls are inside the clubhouse kitchen door and the broom used to smooth the court is in the pool’s utility closet.
The shuffleboard courts are ready for your use. Pucks and sticks are in the clubhouse pantry!
We also have cornhole game equipment in the closet on the patio. Help yourself to using these also. You can set this
up on the lawn to enjoy.
COMMUNITY NEWS: Please remember when you have news of community activities, club meetings, special events,
personal loss, landmark birthdays, yard sales or anything of general interest, contact Julia Tepper at 239-400-1037 or email your article to ocmjulia@gmail.com by the 25th of the month.
MAILING THE NEWS LETTER: If you would like to receive the newsletter via email, please let me know at (ocmjulia@gmail.com) Emailing the newsletter saves money and you get it faster. Julia