April 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

President. Joyce Morris
Vice President. Noreen Bailey
Treasurer. Linda Fentner
Secretary. Pearl Prevoir
Grounds Director. Sandy Levinthol
Unit Director. Lisa Kaiser
Members Activities &
Services Director. Rich Rosenthal
Quorum was present
Maintenance Update: Systems check and adjustment of the irrigation
system. Did repairs to leaking gutters and worked with the Unit Director to
replace the broken downspout on Bunker Way.
Meeting called to order by President Morris @ 1:00pm.
Secretary’s Report: March 22, 2022 report reviewed by all board members,
motion made to accept report as written, seconded and approved by all,
motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: still waiting for Assessment Payments from 2 owners.
Linda identified some of the Large Expenditures the association had over
the past year, such as, Irrigation Repairs costing$2066.14; Tree Removal at
cost of $1,803.00, as well as removal of a stump costing $505.00 and now
received an increase in the cost of monthly trash pick up. Treasurer
working with Bugs or Us( Purcor Pest Control) to clarify their contracted
work for Myerlee owners.
President’s Report: Joyce identified the participants in several of the
association’s Committees. She reports that there is a board member on
each committee, except for the Fine Committee.
Grounds: Association passed the Backflow evaluation. Sandy reminded
board members that there will be no removal or planting of bushes due to
current drought.
Units: Roof Update, remainder of shingles will be delivered Friday for the
last 8 units and the maintenance building. A question came up if Sabal
was hired to repair the clubhouse lanai roof. Lisa indicates we did not
include this repair in the contract but can get an estimate from him for
future consideration. Gutters and downspouts will be repaired by the
maintenance staff after roof installation completed.
Pool/Clubhouse: Rich reports pool heater now working so will table any
discussion obout obtaining a new heater. He reports that the installation
of a lane rope costs as much as the rope itself so will not pursue buying
one. Rich will not buy a pool cover until the fall but presented costs of
different size covers for future purchase.
Old Business: Rich discussed why he would like to see the 2 lanai showers
opened: Much discussion took place between owners and board members
on reason for this request. Motion made by Rich to open the 2 lanai
showers, seconded by Unit Director, vote called for decision to reopen the
showers and not discuss this request at upcoming board meetings..5
opposed reopening the showers, 2 wanted showers reopened. Due to the
majority vote, showers will not be reopened.
Rich brought up concerns about mail delivery to the business mailbox and
housing of association documents. President Morris reviewed past and
current protocols for each concern. A short discussion took place with no
actions required.
Pearl announced that a notice will go out to owners identifying the new
protocol for large item pickup.
Rich suggests increase Cap on Credit Card spending by board members.
The President recommends tabling this discussion until budget time.
New Business: Pearl presented change in the owner’s Key Replacement
protocols; owner will need to present their ID when requesting a
replacement clubhouse or pool key for self or a family member.
Joyce reviewed Board members summer vacations. A motion was made to
cancel the August Board Meeting, seconded and approved by all
members. Motion passed.
Noreen presented her concerns about the unsafe set up of the
Maintenance closet on the Lanai, Rich will discuss with Mike.
Rich opened a discussion on reason why owners cannot apply for a
Reverse Mortgage. President Morris reviewed the process required by the
Association before we would be approved by HUD for a Reverse Mortgage.
After much discussion, a motion was made to not go forward on investigating application for Reverse Mortgage, motion seconded and
approved by all…Motion carried.
Lisa presented a request to consider forming a Maintenance Committee
which then might allow us to have helpers work with the maintenance staff.
Due to need for additional regulation and insurance information, Joyce
recommends that Lisa put together an outline of her requests for further
Motion made to adjourn the meeting, seconded and approved. Meeting
adjourned @ 2:35 pm.
Next board meeting is scheduled for May 17, 2022.
Report respectfully submitted by secretary, Pearl Prevoir