Board Meeting May 2019
Myerlee Circle Condominium Association, Inc Board Meeting
President. Larry Wynberg
Vice President. John Schreiber
Treasurer. Linda Fentner
Secretary. Pearl Prevoir
Director. David Ferris
Director. Kim Hanson
Meeting called to order @ 1:00 pm on May 15, 2019 by President Wynberg. All board members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report from April 17, 2019 reviewed and accepted without additions or changes. Presented Proposal on Qualifications required for new office staff.
No action to be taken until VP presents office staff job responsibilities in future meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Linda reviewed Gulf Shore Report on type of Options available with cost. Members voted to maintain current coverage. John will follow up with Brown & Brown to obtain a quote for members review with possible presentation in future. Report accepted as read.
Vice President’s Report: Budget Committee to reconvene in Mid-August. Email request for volunteers to join Budget Committee will be sent toward end of month. John reviewed owner violation fee schedule recommendations. Members agreed owners will be given 30 days to resolve most violations. Board will consider an appropriate administrative fee if violation not resolved in timely fashion. Vice President will develop
Job description for new office position and continue working on review of language and inserts of the Association Declaration of Condominium.
President’s Report: Reported on follow up conversations with 2 owners regarding past violations. Both owners resolved violation in the appropriate time. Request all board members read section 9 of the Declaration of Condominium.
Pool/Clubhouse Report: Kim reports decrease problem with ducks at this time. She indicates pool deck will need to be painted by next year.
Units/ Grounds Report: Maintenance Staff reports possible roof leak @ 1241 Myerlee CC Blvd; Dave instructed Mike to check area of concern and report back. Board members agree that motion detector lights should be installed at maintenance shed and dumpster area. Larry agrees to short term trial of setting schedule for large item pick up at dumpster area, hoping to decrease pile up of these items, such as mattress. Mike reports recent problems with landscape workers. Instructed to continue doing necessary repairs, being sure to submit to treasurer cost of repairs.
Larry indicates Palm Trees need to be trimmed, will obtain quotes
New Business: Larry approves Ron Duddleston and Kevin Callan as volunteers for the Units and Grounds Committee. Due to members vacation schedule, Dave recommends combining July and August Board Meetings. Will be discussed in June meeting. Larry request 25 Declaration of Condominium Booklets be printed and agrees having one sample in clubhouse library. Secretary reports 21 owners still have not submitted keys to their units, Larry agrees violation letters must be sent to owner’s.
Meeting adjourned @ 2:35 pm
Respectfully submitted by Pearl Prevoir