December 2021 Board Meeting
President: Larry Wynberg
Vice President: Joyce Morris
Treasurer: Linda Fentner
Secretary: Pearl Prevoir
Grounds Director: Sandy Levinthol
Unit Director: Lisa Kaiser
Pool/Clubhouse Director: Kim Hanson
Maintenance Update:
Site 1 checked by the irrigation contractor who does not
recommend decreasing water pressure at this time. Pump working
properly. Maintenance staff will change the filter.
Meeting called to order by President Wynberg @ 1:00pm. Larry
states the focus of this board meeting is to discuss/ review Roofs,
Owner Assessment and Year End Budget.
Secretary’s Report: 11/16/21 Board Minutes accepted as read after
requested changes completed. Secretary plans to request updates
from owners on their contact information through a notice in the
January Newsletter.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer presented November Financials which
was accepted unanimously as read. Treasurer reviewed the 11 month
expenses of the Community. President Wynberg requests some
additional clarification of current expenses with concerns about
end of year totals. Ground’s Director reports that billing for some
repairs, such as the irrigation system, will not be paid until early
2022. Pool Director indicates pool heater currently working but if
replacement is required in 2022, it would cost between $3,000-
Treasurer reports all, but One owner, is up to date on HOA dues.
Vice President made a motion to contact our legal counsel
regarding this owner’s payment issues. All members unanimously
approved this motion.
Vice President’s Report: Joyce reviewed the Board Resolution and
the Notice of Special Assessment/Invoice with the board members
and attending owners. (ATTACHMENT)
Joyce offered information on the HO6 coverage section of a
homeowner’s policy. Although there is no guarantee that
homeowner’s insurance will reimburse an owner for the current
Assessment, the Board recommends owners contact their insurance
company for additional facts about their coverage. VP reports the
roofing contractor recently received his first draw.
President’s Report:
President Wynberg explained that the building regulations have
recently changed regarding how roofs must be secured in order to
reduce damage during a perilous event. Additionally, the insurance
industry has changed some of the guidelines used to determine the
cost of property insurance. If roofs are 15 years old, or older,
insurance companies may decline coverage or only offer minimal
coverage. The homeowner now has a situation of loss value as it
would be difficult to sell the condo with no or minimal insurance
Larry and Joyce answered several financial questions asked by
attending owners about the Association’s CD’s and Reserves.
Pool /Clubhouse: Kim reports the pool heater currently working. No
other problems identified at this time.
Grounds Director: Sandy reports electrical work completed for the
clubhouse walkway lights. She requested an estimate from the
electrician to replace the circuit board but not yet submitted.
Landscape providers will be on vacation from 12/24/21-1/1/22. The
Irrigation Repair is scheduled for 12/21/21 & 12/22/21. Unknown
person was seen walking in back of some condos after sunset.
Sandy reminds attendees to be cautious, keep your outdoor lights
on and be sure to lock your cars and or park cars in your garage.
The President states the Sheriff’s department does not want owners
to park on side streets overnight as they are too narrow for
emergency vehicles.
Unit Director Reports: Lisa reports roof replacement will start after
the contractor receives all the shingles and other needed
equipment. Maintenance staff will start preparations for roof
replacement on Bunker Way. The Unit Director will put a notice in
the Monthly Newsletter with additional information regarding the
preparation for roof replacement activities.
Rat problem identified by owner of 6920 ParWay. Owners responsible
for the indoor problem with Rats. Maintenance staff will place traps
New Business: The Unit Director and the Grounds Director suggest
that the board members no longer pre-submit the monthly reports
as they already submit Agenda items for each meeting. President
Wynberg suggests Directors pre-submit a short report before each
meeting as it helps board members be prepared to discuss subjects.
Next Meeting will be on January 18, 2022.
Kim made a motion to close the meeting @ 2: 29 pm.
All members unanimously approved this motion. Meeting closed
@2:29 pm.
Board Minutes respectfully submitted by Pearl Prevoir, Secretary.