February 2022 Board Minutes








President. (Joined by phone) Larry Wynberg

Vice President. Joyce Morris

Treasurer. Linda Fentner

Secretary. Pearl Prevoir

Unit Director. Lisa Kaiser

Pool/Clubhouse Director. Kim Hanson


Maintenance Report: Mike reports irrigation repairs completed and seem to be holding. Introduced the idea of relocating the lawn debris from the shed area as it is quickly building up. Landscaper will work out new location for debris. Angel reports completing the list of trees and shrubs that required trimming and removal due to Roof work being done.


Meeting called to order @ 1:00 pm by Vice President Joyce Morris as President Wynberg is out of town.


Secretary’s Report: All board members reviewed the 1/18/2022 Board notes. Motion made by Linda Fentner to accept Notes as presented, which were unanimously approved by all attending board members. 2022-2023 directory will be published after the March 7, 2022 Annual Meeting. The Distribution date and pickup procedure of the Directories will be emailed to owners.

Treasurer’s Report: Linda reviewed the financial information on the Balance Sheet as the formal Financial Report was not yet available.

Vice President’s Report: Joyce reports Property Insurance premium due in November and Flood Insurance premium due in June. The Flood insurance came in less then budgeted but the property insurance represents a 10% increase. Joyce completed Board Member’s Job Descriptions, each board member had an opportunity to review and comment on the descriptions

before this meeting. Larry Wynberg joined the meeting via phone. He made a motion for job descriptions to be approved, seconded by Pearl, and approved by the Board..Motion carried. Members will consider uploading new job descriptions onto the website.

Unit Director’s Report: Roofers working on Eagle Way. They have found 3 layers of underlayment on the first 2 buildings. Bunker Way finished except for some minor repairs. Lisa states that the roofing company will repair any issues their equipment has created. Board agrees that the clubhouse and maintenance shed roofs should be done at the end of the project.

President Wynberg requests that the maintenance man evaluate the damage done to gutter downspout behind 1360/ 1361 Eagle Way to determine if he is able to do the replacement and repair work required. Lisa reports jobs completed on Dog Leg and Bunker Way. Repair of window sill on Tee Way to be scheduled after the roofs completed.

Ground’s Report: No new issues to report.

Pool/ Clubhouse Report: Current pool cover disposed of as it was badly deteriorated. Director recommends not putting a new one on until September, when the weather starts to cool down. Latest repair estimate for the electric panel quoted as $3200. The Unit Director has a third referral to recommend. She will schedule the appointment. Still not sure if a new panel is necessary.


Next Board Meeting scheduled for March 22, 2022

Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Kim Hanson, seconded by Pearl Prevoir. Meeting adjourned @ 2:15pm


Report Respectfully submitted by Pearl Prevoir, Secretary.