February 2024 Board Minutes
Board of Director’s Notes. February 20, 2024
President, Vice President Noreen Bailey
Treasurer: Linda Fentner
Secretary: Pearl Prevoir
Unit Manager: Tom Kaiser
Pool/ Clubhouse Director: Cynthia McComb
Ground’s Director: Not present
Quorum met, Meeting called to order by President Bailey @
1:35 P M.
Secretary’s Report: Pearl distributed the January 23, 2024 Board Notes for Board
Member’s review prior to this meeting. There were no changes required, Cynthia
made a motion to accept notes as written, seconded by Linda, motion passed. The
Secretary announced that the Second Notice for the Annual Meeting was mailed on
February 17, 2024.
Treasurer’s Report: Linda updated the board members regarding a large increase of
one of our water bills. Apparently, when a new meter was installed, it was not
properly set. The company reviewed the bill and determined that the association is
eligible for
a refund. Linda ordered 13 new Fire Extinguishers after Advanced Fire checked the
number and status of our current Fire Extinguishers. We now have 53 Fire
Extinguishers on property.
The Treasurer reports that she paid the bill for the Property Insurance and is
waiting for information on the cost of our Flood Insurance which will be due in
June. Linda is looking into a short-term CD for the Reserve Funds. The financial
report was distributed to board members.
President’s Report: Contract for the Pool lanai was signed. Contractor is hoping to
get a number for a permit to start the engineering and site plan. The President
states that the work should be completed by April 1st, barring any unforeseen
Pool/ Clubhouse Report: Cynthia reports that our routine AC maintenance check
was completed this month, new chairs were obtained and put together with the aid
from many volunteers. She was able to sell all the old clubhouse chairs and recently
installed new handles for the pool steps. Cynthia contacted the Fire Department to
request a review of our occupancy requirements for the Clubhouse, waiting for a
return call.
Grounds Director’s Report: Tom Kaiser gave the report for the Ground’s Director as
Charlie is on vacation. Joshua Tree Service has been hired to trim some trees that
have damage due to Hurricane IAN . It appears there are still more trees that
require trimming. Total Cost will be $6,873.00, Pearl made a motion that we approve
Joshua Tree Trimming to trim the 10 trees at the cost of $6,873.00, Cynthia
seconded the motion, no discussion required, motion passed.
Unit Manager’s Report: Tom reports repair of lights throughout the community
have been completed.
At this time, the President asked that owners & board members refrain from asking
Tom questions about the Repair & Painting project presentation until it is complete.
Over the past three years, the association has had to pay $8,000.00- $10,000.00/
year for repairs to be done on windowsills and a few areas on the side of our
buildings due to the deterioration of the stucco that was previously never painted
or sealed. Although it appears the units have brick fronts, it is not brick, but colored
Tom contacted a paint specialist from Sherman-Williams to evaluate the condition
of our units and submit a report to the Board. The report supports the need for
painting or sealing of all the units after the repair of cracks and broken areas. She
gave Tom information on the appropriate products to use as well as a list of local
Tom reports that he received three (3) bids for painting and/ or sealing of the
stucco. The most cost effective process is painting the stucco, after it has been
properly repaired and prepared. In order to do the prep and repair work, all vinyl
shutters must be removed and many bushes will need to be cut back or even
removed. Tom has identified areas that he feels he and our maintenance man can
repair but some areas will require a professional contractor to do the repairs.
There was a discussion regarding paint color change. Tom displayed a few color
choices for the board to review but no decision expected today.
Cost for prep and painting of the stucco will be $36,690.00, and sealing of the
stucco will cost $90,000.00. There is an additional cost to put the shutters back on.
Tom reports that we can use the Painting funds that are in the reserves. After all
questions were answered, Pearl made a motion that the Project will start with
power washing, removal of non-Hurricane shutters, and repairs of minor cracks,
after the front bushes are cut back or removed, as necessary. Paint color will be
determined at a later date. The Painting Reserve Funds will be used to pay for the
The motion was seconded by Cynthia, no further discussion took place, Motion was
carried by a majority vote.
Cynthia made a motion to hire Florida Painters at a cost of $36,690.00. They will
remove the vinyl shutters, pressure wash all buildings and do minor repairs before
painting the units. Pearl seconded the motion, no further discussion took place,
motion passed by a majority vote.
Owner Request: owner on Birdie Way submitted plans to Renovate their Lanai and
put a small patio in place. Plan reviewed by board members, Tom made a motion to
approve the lanai renovation as presented, seconded by Cynthia, motion passed.
No further business, Next board meeting scheduled for March 19, 2024.
Pearl made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Tom. Meeting adjourned
@ 2:50 P.M.
Report respectfully transcribed by Pearl Prevoir, Secretary.