March 2022 Board Meeting Minutes
President Joyce Morris
Vice President. Noreen Bailey
Treasurer. Linda Fentner
Secretary. Pearl Prevoir
Grounds Director. Sandy Levinthal
Unit Director. Lisa Kaiser
Members Activities &
Services Director (aka
Pool/Clubhouse). Rich Rosenthal
It was determined that there was a quorum available.
Maintenance Staff not available due to work schedule.
President Morris called the meeting to order @ 1:00 pm. Joyce
proceeded to introduce the 2 new Board Members, Noreen Bailey,
Vice President, and Rich Rosenthal, Members Activities & Services
Director. Joyce reviewed rules for Owner’s participation at Board
Secretary’s Report: February Meeting minutes previously emailed to
all Directors for review. Correction request from President Morris:
Larry Wynberg made the motion to accept job descriptions as
documented, not Joyce Morris. Notes changed to reflect this action.
Pearl described the responsibility of the ESA Committee when a
complaint is received and/or when an ESA accommodation is
Treasurer’s Report: Linda reviewed February financials. She reports
that 56 owners have submitted their Assessment. Linda made a
motion to remove our past President, Larry Wynberg, from the
association’s American Express credit card and replace with new
President, Joyce Morris. The motion was seconded by Lisa Kaiser, all
were in favor, motion passed. Discussion took place regarding the
spending cap for the board members, procedure will be reviewed at
the next Board Meeting.
President’s Report: Joyce announced that the monthly financials will
be posted on the interior Board Bulletin Board.
Vice President’s Report: Noreen attended a Webinar presented by
the Castle Group. The presenters discussed the 2022 Legislature’ s
decision. An example being, that the State’s favorite dessert is now
strawberry shortcake. The House and Senate could not agree on
any of the reforms presented so there is hope that these reforms
might be brought up for review in the future.
Director’s Report:
Ground’s Director:
Sandy reports the disposal company is having problems with staff
causing pick up delays for the communities garbage and the
recyclables. The Board requests that owners make every effort to
have their old appliances, furniture and other large items removed
by the delivery staff of the store where new items were obtained. This
will avoid a build up of these large items at our dumpster. Sandy has
put together a list of local service providers who offer this service at
a low or no cost which will be posted on the Board’s Bulletin Board.
Sandy requests that owners contact the maintenance staff if they
cannot get large items removed. Mike will follow up with the disposal
company, as needed.
REMINDER: please complete and submit a Maintenance Form for any
and all landscape issues.
The yearly Backflow Inspection will be completed on 3/28/22.
Unit Director: Lisa contacted the appropriate local agency that
deals with animal control regarding possible Bobcat and/ or Coyote
problems. She was told nothing can be done unless an individual is
threatened. Mike did a temporary repair on the damaged gutter
behind unit 1361. Currently we have 3 severely damaged gutters. Lisa
obtained 2 estimates for repair of all 3 gutters. Sabal Roofing was
$838.40 and Advanced Seamless Gutter estimate was $975.00. Lisa
made a motion to accept Sabal’s estimate and schedule work when
the roof installations are completed, motion seconded and approved
by all board members. motion passed. Other repairs to be done
once the roofs are all installed include, downspout repairs, gutter
problems at the L junction over some front doors, plus repair of
broken window sills. Lisa obtained 3 quotes for vent cleaning.
Owners reminded they are responsible for payment of vent cleaning
which will not take place until the Roofs are completed. Lisa
obtained the cost for a tandem load of dirt to fill in the low areas, in
the future.
Members Activities & Services: Rich asked how the board could
permanently close the showers if they are considered Amenities. The
President contacted our legal council, who confirmed the board had
the right to close the showers as they are not listed on the plats of
Myerlee or Myerlee’s Docs. Rich did some research on the cost for
new pool covers and best size to buy. Rich suggested we consider
buying a pool safety rope to be used to rope off the section of the
pool to be used for lap swimming. Joyce requested that Rich gather
more detail about cost and best sized pool cover and safety rope to
buy to be presented at our next board meeting.
Old Business: Elizabeth Smith presented reasons why she would like
to see the previously approved Adult Swim Time schedule revoked.
Sandy Levinthol presented reasons why she wants the Adult Swim
time to remain in place. After much discussion, a motion was made
to rescind the previous approved motion of January 18, 2022 for
Adult Swim from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Motion was seconded and
passed by a majority vote.
Motion made to adjourn the meeting, and seconded by Pearl Prevoir.
meeting was adjourned @ 2:20 pm.
Board Minutes respectfully submitted by Pearl Prevoir, Secretary