May 2018 Board Minutes

Myerlee Circle Condominium Association, Inc 

6945 Dog Leg Way 

Fort Myers, Florida 


Board Meeting                                                                      May 15, 2018 


President:           Larry Wynberg 

Vice President:  John Schreiber 

Treasurer;           Linda Fentner 

Secretary:            Pearl Prevoir 

Director;              Dave Ferris 

Director:               Kim Hanson 

Meeting was called to order at 1:00 pm by president Wynberg, All board members present. 

Secretaries report reviewed by board members, no changes or additions recommended. Motion made to accept report, seconded.  

Treasurer’s report reviewed by board members. Updated report on delinquent payments for special assessments indicates we now only have 2 outstanding payments. Treasurer following up on this issue. Motion made to accept and approve report.  

Vice President’s report: John reports start date for LCM Engineering is early June, 2018. Had meeting with Beautification committee members. Working on development of a plan that includes appropriate plants and common ground shrubbery changes, cost and time line.  


Clubhouse/Pool Report Kim reports problem with ducks in pool and their waste around pool. Investigating best way to deter duck’s use of pool . Looking into other pool service as current provider not adequate. Request reminder be sent to owners about times pool is open and closed for use,   

Units & Ground Report: Vender selected for trimming of tall palm trees, tree plantings and replacements. Sod work will be needed in future. Painting of buildings to start in July, including front doors and garage doors of each unit. 

Old Business: Welcome Package reviewed. Linda identified several forms she would like added to new owner package. Welcome Committee working on development of plan. 

Safety Program reviewed with maintenance staff, appropriate form signed. 

6912 Tee Way owner raised questions on recent letter she received regarding violation of #15 of the condominium association rules and regulations. President Wynberg reviewed owner’s options. Appears additional discussion will be needed 

New Business: Motion to remove “NO” sign at Myerlee Circle entrance made by President Wynberg, unanimously approved. Flood Insurance cost and coverage reviewed. All board members agree Option 2 best selection. Notice will be sent to owners regarding holiday Trash pick-up. 

NOTE: Next Board Meeting scheduled for July 18, 2018 

Motion made by Kim Hanson to adjourn meeting at 2:30 pm. Approved. 

Respectfully submitted by Pearl Prevoir, Secretary