May 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
Vice-President. Joyce Morris
Treasurer. Linda Fentner
Secretary. Pearl Prevoir
Pool/Clubhouse Director. Kim Hanson
Grounds Director. Sandy Levinthal
Women’s Club. Liz McGuire
Meeting called to order by Joyce Morris, Vice-President @ 1:05 PM.
Maintenance Report:
Mike reports another Irrigation breech behind 1363 MCCB. Necessary to contact repair service. Painting of inside club house scheduled for early June. He will change the pool filter grids which he found for a lower price than previously quoted. Mike has scheduled coverage for garbage and recyclable pick-up while he is on vacation.
Women’s Club
Liz reports meetings ended until next fall
Secretary’s Report:
April 20th Board Minutes dispersed before the May 18th Board Meeting, by email, to all Board Members for review and comments. Corrections identified and completed. Motion made to accept corrected Board Notes. Approved Unanimously.
April 30, 2021 Special Board Meeting Notes dispersed to all board members before the May 18, 2021 Meeting by email, for review. No corrections or changes requested. Minutes accepted as presented.
Treasurer’s Report:
Report unanimously accepted as read with no corrections or changes. Treasurer reports The law allowing communities to increase the Transfer fees up to $150.00 will go before legislature for approval July 1, 2021.
Rental agreement for 1370 Bunker Way approved. Flood insurance premium less than budgeted.
Vice-President’s Report
Joyce met with Brown & Brown insurance rep this week. Information on premiums discussed. The law requires the Association to have an appraisal every 3 years for insurance coverage.
COVID 19 Update indicates that the governor extended the State of rEmergency until 6/29/21. Joyce reports points of interest obtained while attending a Webinar on COVID 19. CDC recommends to wear masks while inside, continue with social distancing at 3ft instead of 6 ft.. Information presented by Joyce from a recent Webinar she attended, was reviewed and discussed.
Motion was made by Pearl and approved by all to open the Club house for regular hours, masks required, social distance of 3ft, Club house open to owners, residents and immediate family, no food for sharing during any group Activities. Cleaning schedule to remain in place. Rules will be reviewed in 30 days. Motion made by Kim to open the pool for all residents, owners and immediate family with weekly cleaning remaining in place. Motion approved by all.
Club house/ Pool Director:
Paint color for clubhouse selected by Women’s group.
Ground’s Director Report:
Irrigation problems continue causing a slow down in plantings and meeting owner’s requests. Landscaper suggests going to a quarterly schedule for plantings and changes. Current landscaper’s bid to trim trees was accepted and approved by all. Sandy looking closely @ budget needs for 2022 due to ongoing irrigation problems.
Unit Director’s Report
Unit Director out due to illness, report presented by Secretary per request of Unit Manager.
Lisa has contacted 3 companies for roofing bids. Only 2 companies offered bids while the third company felt unable to do the job. Director will obtain additional information, meet with company reps and present her findings @next board meeting. Mike has canvassed all 100 units to determine how many may need water shut off Valves. Lisa has gotten quotes from several plumbers. She will follow up with owners interested in having the work done. Owner of 1362 Eagle Way having windows replaced and bathroom privacy window installed. Owner of 1341 MCCB plans to have her lanai windows and door replaced, would like to put in a sliding glass door instead of current styled door.
Possible approval but more information required.
After review of Patio Plan and discussion with owner, Motion was made and approved to allow the Patio Plan for 6917 Birdie Way
With the exception of pavers extending out 3ft. from the back of the lanai instead of 4ft.
Treasurer confirmed all association records , excluding the Annual Meeting, must be retained for 7 years.
Lisa reports residents on Birdie Way complaining about mess the black birds make by tearing apart garbage bags waiting for pickup. Mike and Sandy offered suggestions to eliminate or, at best, decrease the problem.
Lisa also reports some owners would like to see a sign stating No Dogs Allowed. Discussion initiated by Sandy Levinthal, with no resolution. Recommendation will go out to owners to notify Sandy what their concerns are regarding dogs in Myerlee Circle.
Kim made a motion to adjourn the meeting@ 2:20 pm, unanimously approved.
Report respectfully submitted by Pearl Prevoir