Newsletter April 2016

Myerlee Circle Newsletter April 2016


President           Mary Jane (MJ) Peters
Vice President     Polly Overlease
Secretary           Sandy Cummings
Director            Julia Tepper
Director            Kim Hanson

FROM THE PRESIDENT: Thank you to all the residents and unit owners who voted in our most recent election on March 14, 2016.  The current board of officers are ready to serve you and look forward to keeping Myerlee Circle Condominium Association vibrant and focused on meeting the needs of our members.  We are at a stage of change that will challenge the board to respect the current expectations of some residents while meeting the needs of change that we will face in regards to future planning and capital improvements.  I hope to tap into your opinions and wealth of knowledge about our property and facility so that the best can come about for all of us. Thank you for your support and positive words of encouragement.  I look forward to working together in the days to come.  Please contact me at the Association office by leaving a message and I will get back to you as quickly as possible. 239-481-8387

         Board Meetings: The next Association Board Meeting will be held on April 19, 2016.  It will start at 12:45pm with remarks by Steve Harris  about maintenance work performed, followed by the meeting called to order at approximately 1:00 a.m. with the agenda, (posted at the clubhouse) usually concludig within 1-1 1/2 hours.

REMINDER:  Please, a reminder to all association members, DO NOT FEED OR LEAVE FOOD OUT AT THE DUMPSTER!!!  It is in our rules and regulations and it is sheer common sense to not feed wild, roaming or feral animals, including but not limited to cats, raccoons, birds (including ducks) and squirrels.  It is prohibited and just asking for rodents, mainly RATS to come into our development.  If you see anyone doing so, please discourage this behavior and let management know.  We need to protect our units from this type of problem.

M J Peters


IN MEMORIAM:  Our most sincere sympathies goes to Harry and Claire Shapiro for the loss of their beloved  son

Ed Shapiro. Our thoughts and prayers are with Harry and Claire and their family.


MEN’S  BREAKFAST: The men will be holding their monthly breakfasts on Saturday, April 2, and again on Saturday, April 16. Breakfast is $4.00. This will include pancakes, egg dishes, sausages, sweet rolls, orange juice and coffee. These will be the last breakfasts of the season. Please join us, and enjoy a delicious breakfast, and best of all, great company.

WOMEN’S GROUP MEETING: The Myerlee Circle Women’s group will be holding their last meeting of the season on Monday, April 4. All are welcome. Come and join us at 10:00 am for coffee. Meeting starts at 10:30.  Please come and help us organize some of our Myerlee Circle activities

 BOOK CLUB:   Our next meeting  will be on Tuesday, April 19,  at 10:30 am. This month  we will be reading The Painted Girls, by Cathy Buchanan. If you would like to join us, please contact Eileen Lightell at 239-415-9318 to obtain a copy of this book. We hope to see you all there and will welcome any new members. If you have any questions or need a ride, please call Eileen.

FRIED CHICKEN DINNER NIGH:  The next Dinner will be on April 14, at 5:00 pm. This is our annual Fried Chicken Night. Chicken is at no cost, courtesy of the Circle Women’s Association. You may bring a side dish such as a salad or dessert. And don’t forget your favorite adult beverage J. After dinner we’ll be playing our Horse Raising game. This is a lot of fun. So bring your $$$$. Please call Irene Lychodij at 239-481-1422, no later than April 13, to make your reservation and let her know how many will attend. We really need a head count this time.

THANK YOU: Our thanks to the Association Women’s group for our new ceiling fans and light fixtures in the Clubhouse. Also to the Men’s group for providing us with two beautiful new benches. They have been placed around the Bocce court.  Thank you all. Good job!


 WEEKLY ACTIVITIES:  Don’t forget these groups meeting every week at the Circle Clubhouse for fun activities: These activities will continue throughout the summer for all of us that stay here.

Hand and Foot Canasta Card Club meets every Monday at 1:00pm. Contact Henrietta at 239-481-2116   

The Myerlee Circle Art Group meets at the Clubhouse every Thursday at 1:00pm. If you wish to join us, please call Barbara at 239-437-8242 for more information.


Happy Hour meets every Thursday at 4:30 in the Clubhouse. Bring a snack of your choice along with your beverage and get in on the latest scoop.

The Men’s Poker Group meets on Tuesday evenings from 7-10pm.

BOCCE PLAYERS: On Friday afternoons around 4:00, why not come out to the court for some fun and laughs. It is right behind the clubhouse and pool. If you find that the day and time are not convenient and you wish to use the court, the balls are inside the clubhouse kitchen door and the broom used to smooth the court is in the pool’s utility closet.


COMMUNITY NEWS: Please remember when you have news of community activities, club meetings, special events, personal loss, landmark birthdays, yard sales or anything of general interest, contact Julia Tepper at 239-400-0119 or email your article to by the 25th of the month.

EMAILING THE NEWS LETTER: If you would like to receive the newsletter via email, please let me know. Emailing the newsletter saves money and you get it faster. The newsletter is also on line at   

 This is the last issue of the season. The next newsletter will be published in October. Don’t forget to check our website,, there may be news or pictures posted during the summer. Have a good summer everyone.


                                                                                                                                                                                                     – -Julia