Newsletter November 2017




FROM THE BOARD: To all residents that are waiting for roof repairs after
Hurricane Irma, we do not have a time frame for these repairs yet. Please be patient.
Recycling: Remember to always break down boxes before you put them out for
recycling pick up or when you take them to the recycling bins yourselves.

Trash and Treasure: We find that the space in the maintenance building is very limited due to the large
number of items already donated for the annual trash and treasures sale. If you have items to be donated,
please wait until just before the sale in January to have them picked up by maintenance. Thank you


IN MEMORIAM: Our most sincere sympathies goes to Mrs. Barbara Parker for the loss of her beloved
husband Thomas. Tom and Barbara have been long time, part time, residents of The Circle. Our thoughts and
prayers are with Barbara and the Parker and family.

POT LUCK DINNER: Our next Pot Luck dinner will be on Thursday November 16, at 5:00 pm. For our new
residents, pot luck dinners are held at our clubhouse. Bring your favorite dish to share and…. don’t forget your
drink . Please call Irene Lychodij at 239-481- 1422, no later than November 15, to make your reservations
and let her know how many are attending.
This time we will have games available to play after dinner. Games like Trivia Pursuit, Mexican Train, and
others. Please come and have a great time.

WOMEN’S GROUP MEETING: The Myerlee Circle Women’s group will be holding their monthly meeting
on Monday, November 6. All are welcome. Come and join us at 10:00 am for coffee. Meeting starts at 10:30.
Please come and help us organize some of our Myerlee Circle activities.
MEN’S PANCAKE BREAKFAST: The men will be holding their first monthly breakfasts of the season on
Saturday, November 11. Price for the breakfast is $4.00. This will include pancakes, sausages, sweet rolls,
orange juice and coffee. Mark your calendars. Please join us for these delicious breakfasts, and best of all,
great company
BOOK CLUB: Our first meeting of the season will be held on November 14 at the Myerlee Country Club at
10:30 am., followed by a lunch of your choice. Come and join us in discussions about books that you are
reading now or have read. If you enjoy fun-filled stories, suspense, humor, romance, plenty of chilling danger,
we would love to hear about it. Also, the Library in our Club House is there for you. We have many books,
some old, some new, and don’t forget the DVDs. For more information please call Eileen at 239-415- 9318.
SATURDAY NIGHT GAME SCHEDULE: We are in the midst of creating a monthly calendar of fun and
stimulating events that will provide time to socialize and enjoy “gaming” with friends and neighbors. Stay

— WATER AEROBICS: Water Aerobics will be held every Monday and Saturday mornings at 9:00 am.
Classes will be cancelled when the morning temperature is 65 degrees or less. Water Aerobics will also be
cancelled on days of the Women’s Club meeting and Men’s Club Pancake Breakfast. Usually first Monday and
first Saturday of the month.
— HAPPY HOUR: Meets every Thursday at the Clubhouse at 4:30 pm. Bring a snack of your choice along
with your beverage and get in on the latest scoop.
— THE MYERLEE CIRCLE ART GROUP: Meets at the Clubhouse every Thursday at 1:00 pm. If you
wish to join us, please call Barbara at 239-437- 8242 for more information.
— KNITTING/CROCHETING GROUP: The" Knitting/Crocheting for Charity" group will be meeting on
the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, at The Myerlee Country Club at 2:00 pm. This month beginning on
Wednesday, November 22. All are welcome.
If you have any questions, please contact Joni Johnson at Please mention Knitting
group in the subject line OR call Joni at 239-765- 9214. See you there!!!
— BOCCE PLAYERS and WATCHERS: On Friday afternoons around 4:00, why not come out to the
Bocce court for some fun and laughs. It is right behind the clubhouse and pool and if you wish to use the
court, the balls are inside the clubhouse kitchen door and the broom used to smooth the court is in the pool’s
utility closet.
The shuffleboard courts have been repaired and repainted and are ready for your use. Pucks and sticks are in
the clubhouse pantry!
We also have cornhole game equipment in the closet on the patio. Help yourself to using these also. You can
set this up on the lawn to enjoy.


Halloween Party photo. Great fun!!

COMMUNITY NEWS: Please remember when you have news of community activities, club meetings,
special events, personal loss, landmark birthdays, yard sales or anything of general interest, contact Julia
Tepper at 239-400- 0119 or email your article to by the 25 th of the month.
Emailing newsletter: If you would like to receive the newsletter via email, please let me know. Emailing the
newsletter saves money and you get it faster. The newsletter is also on line at — – Julia