Newsletter October 2017


                                                     MYERLEE CIRCLE NEWS LETTER

                                                                       OCTOBER 2017                                                                                                                                                                                   ===========================================================

 WELCOME BACK TO THE CIRCLE: A warm welcome back to the Circle to all our friends and neighbors returning from up North for the season. Looking forward to see you at the upcoming weekly and monthly events.

As you all know, Hurricane Irma paid us a visit on September 10th. It was quite an experience! Fortunately our community didn’t suffer much damage. We are so grateful for that. A few of our residents had damaged roofs and we lost quite a few trees.

THANK YOU!!! Our thanks to David and Sandy Cummings, Paul Salvagin, and other volunteers for all their help before and after hurricane Irma. You went above and beyond, and we are grateful. Thank you so much.


NOTE FROM THE BOARD: After Hurricane Irma, debris pick up may not be for a month or more. Gutter and fascia repair will be done once the tree work is taken care of. Thanks for your patience.

Water Outage: Due to rain last Tuesday, the water outage has been rescheduled for Tuesday October 10th  at around 8:30 and lasting 2 to 3 hours.  This outage is necessary so that seven of our residents can have their shut off valve replaced.  These valves have been identified as not functioning properly or leaking, and are the responsibility of the condo owner.  Apex Plumbing, a licensed plumber will be on site to do the work.

Trash and Treasure: We find that the space in the maintenance building is very limited due to the large number of items already donated for the annual trash and treasures sale. If you have items to be donated,  please wait until just before the sale in January to have them picked up by maintenance. Thank you


MEMORY GAME: Joni Johnson wants to remind you that she is organizing a Memory Game for this season. If you would like to participate, please bring a picture of yourself as a child, teenager, young adult, or wedding. She will collect these pictures. You may contact her at 239-765-9214.

SUNSHINE COMMITTEE: Joni Johnson is also the chairperson of the Sunshine Committee. If you hear of any (get well wishes, thinking of you, or sympathy) card that has to be sent, please get the information to Joni by phone at 239-765-9214 or by email at  During the summer months when Joni is up North, you may give the information to Julia Tepper,  email:, or by phone at 239-400-0119.  Thank you.

NEW ACTIVITIES: Water Aerobics. If you are interested in joining a Water Aerobics class at our community swimming pool, please call Pearl Prevoir at 774-994-1752.

We have a seasoned Water Aerobics instructor willing to show us what and how to do aerobics and CDs to support the ongoing classes. Instructor Marrily will orient and show the group aerobics routines on Monday October 9, and again on Monday October 16 at 9:30 am. After that we will use the CDs. Please join us at the pool.

Thanks to Kim and Mark Hanson for the wonderful job getting our pool back to “before Irma” status and ready to use for fun and exercise.

Game Night. Looking for fellow “gamers” interested in socializing and gaming 2 Saturday’s per month in the Club House. Some games we can play include: Trivial Pursuit, Mexican Train, Horse Racing, Dominoes, and Rummy O. There will be munchies to eat (ice cream social) and people to meet. Please call Pearl Prevoir at 774-994-1752 if interested.


POT LUCK DINNERThe first Pot Luck dinner of the season will be on Saturday, October 28, at 5:00. This time the theme again will be HALLOWEEN. Come all and have a great time. Bring your favorite dish to share and don’t forget your drink. Halloween costumes are optional.

WOMEN’S GROUP MEETING: The Myerlee Circle Women’s group will be holding their monthly meeting on Monday, November 6. All are welcome. Come and join us at 10:00 am for coffee. Meeting starts at 10:30.  Please come and help us organize some of our Myerlee Circle activities.

MEN’S  PANCAKE BREAKFASTThe men will be holding their first monthly breakfasts of the season on Saturday, November 11.  Price for the breakfast is $4.00. This will include pancakes, sausages, sweet rolls, orange juice and coffee. Mark your calendars. Please join us for these delicious breakfasts, and best of all, great company

BOOK CLUB: Our  first meeting of the season will be held on November 14 at the Myerlee Country Club at 10:30 am., followed by a lunch of your choice.  Come and join us in discussions about books that you are reading now or have read. If you enjoy fun-filled stories, suspense, humor, romance, plenty of chilling danger, we would love to hear about it. Also, the Library in our Club House is there for you. We have many books, some old, some new, and don’t forget the DVDs. For more information please call Eileen at 239-415-9318.


 WEEKLY ACTIVITIES:  Don’t forget these groups meeting every week at the Circle Clubhouse for fun activities:

HAND AND FOOT CANASTA CARD CLUB: Meets every Monday at 1:00pm. Contact Henrietta at   239-481-2116 if you are interested.

THE MYERLEE CIRCLE ART GROUP: Meets at the Clubhouse every Thursday at 1:00pm. If you wish to join us, please call Barbara at 239-437-8242 for more information.

KNITTING/CROCHETING GROUP: The” Knitting/Crocheting for Charity” group will  be meeting on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, at The Myerlee Country Club at 2:00 pm beginning November 8th. All are welcome.

If you have any questions, please contact Joni Johnson at Please mention Knitting group in the subject line  OR call Joni at 239-765-9214.  See you there!!!

HAPPY HOUR: Meets every Thursday at 4:30 in the Clubhouse. Bring a snack of your choice along with your beverage and get in on the latest scoop.

BOCCE PLAYERS and WATCHERS: On Friday afternoons around 4:00, why not come out to the Bocce court for some fun and  laughs. It is right behind the clubhouse and pool and if you wish to use the court, the balls are inside the clubhouse kitchen door and the broom used to smooth the court is in the pool’s utility closet.

The shuffleboard courts have been  repaired and repainted and are ready for your use.  Pucks and sticks are in the clubhouse pantry!

We also have cornhole game equipment in the closet on the patio. Help yourself to using these also. You can set this up on the lawn to enjoy.


COMMUNITY NEWS: Please remember when you have news of community activities, club meetings, special events, personal loss, landmark birthdays, yard sales or anything of general interest, contact Julia Tepper at 239-400-0119 or email your article to by the 25th of the month.

EMAILING THE NEWS LETTER: If you would like to receive the newsletter via email, please let me know. Emailing the newsletter saves money and you get it faster. The newsletter is also on line at    — Julia