November 2023 Board Minutes
November 8, 2023. BOARD NOTES
President. Joyce Morris
Vice President. Noreen Bailey
Treasurer. Linda Fentner
Secretary. Pearl Prevoir
Unit Director. Absent
Ground’s Director. Charlie Flugger
Pool/Clubhouse Director. Cynthia McComb
Board meeting called to order at 1:35 pm by President Morris.
Secretary’s Report: October 18th Board notes sent to all board members
for review, prior to this meeting. No corrections or discussion required.
Board notes were accepted as read.
Treasurer’s Report: Joyce explained that the financial report is not
available for this meeting due to the change in the meeting date.
Linda reports that there are still 7 outstanding assessment payments.
Vice President’s Report: last budget meeting was held on 11/2/23. Noreen
thanked the participants of the Budget Committee, that consisted of, Lee
Nerenberg, Charlie Flugger, Linda Fentner and Joyce Morris. Board
members did not have any questions or comments about the proposed
2024 budget. Motion made by Pearl to accept the proposed 2024 budget
as stated, seconded by Charlie, no further discussion required so motion
President’s Report: Joyce will include some of the Unit Report during her
Only one set of shutters still need to be installed. We are currently getting
estimates for repair of the lanai as the original contractor hired has
backed out of the job. The chosen contractor will need to obtain a Site
Plan and a building Permit before starting the repairs.
Joyce announced that her date of resignation will be in effect as of
December 1, 2023, so the Vice President, Noreen Bailey, will take on the
President’s responsibilities, until the next election which will take place in
early March, 2024.
Ground’s Report: Joyce introduced the new Ground’s Director, Charlie
Charlie presented his concerns about the estimates we received from our
current landscaper for the cost of replacing ruined bushes and lost trees,
due to Hurricane IAN. He plans to obtain other estimates for this job and
states the bushes may not be replaced until planting season, in May, 2024.
Discussion took place about the schedule and cost. Before any decisions
are made, Charlie will review the type and number of bushes needing
replacement, and gather additional estimates for the plantings.
Pool/Clubhouse Report: clubhouse windows being replaced, job should be
completed Thursday. The Inspectors must review the completed job before
window tags can be removed and shades replaced.
Mike repaired a crack on the pool edge. Cynthia states that the Caution
Tape must stay up until Lanai is repaired.
Next Meeting is TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19’, 2023 @ 1:30 pm
Owner’s Meeting is on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2023 @ 6:30 pm
Noreen made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Pearl.
Meeting adjourned.
Board Notes respectfully submitted by Pearl Prevoir, Secretary.