October 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

OCTOBER 18, 2022
President: Joyce Morris
Vice President/Pool. Noreen Bailey
Treasurer. Linda Fentner
Secretary/Clubhouse. Pearl Prevoir
Unit Director: Lisa Kaiser
Ground’s Director. David Ferris
All Board members in attendance, quorum was met.
Maintenance Report: Mike states that the maintenance cart will
probably be totaled by the insurance company but has not heard
back from the repair service manager ,yet. Owners must be
reminded to break down cardboard boxes before putting them in
the barrels. The garbage pick up schedule is back to normal.
President Morris called the meeting to order @ 1:00 PM.
She states that after we get all the information together about
our coverage and damages due to the Hurricane, we are
considering having an owner’s meeting to offer them information
The Unit Director accompanied the association’s insurance
adjuster while he walked around all the association’s buildings
to evaluate type and level of damage. In view of the fact that
it will take time for the adjuster’s report to be completed and
submitted, the President encouraged any owner who has
experienced damage, due to the hurricane, to initiate a claim
through their insurance company.
Joyce reviewed the type of financial assistance and/ or loans
that she is investigating, in case needed, for the repairs
required by the community. Also, owners were reminded that we
did take a loan out when we decided to do the roofs.
The Board is working diligently to avoid an assessment to pay
for repairs but cannot guarantee an assessment will not be
The 2023 Proposed Budget must take into consideration the
increased cost for expenses. It does not have anything to do
with Hurricane Ian. Although the insurance company cannot change
our premium, it can, and did, change the terms, such as: 1) all
other perils increased from $5,000 to $25,000 deductible,2) now
must insure for the value of property with actual cash value of
roofs(80% co-insurance), 3) the law now requires a building to
be code compliant if/when it needs to be rebuilt, and changed
from 5% Hurricane to wind and hail.
Secretary’s Report:
The Board meeting of 9/20/22, the Emergency Board Meetings of
10/3/22 and 10/10/22 were reviewed. Motion was made to accept
all notes from the three meetings with no changes, motion
seconded, motion carried.
Per request of the board, the carpet clubhouse cleaning and the
clubhouse AC maintenance were postponed until after the first of
the year. Due to the clubhouse currently storing all the outdoor
lanai furniture plus all the clubhouse furniture, it has become
a safety hazard for group activities, so will remain closed till
further notice.
Treasurer’s Report:
Monthly financials reviewed.
Linda states that the Budget Committee proposed 2 options for
the 2023 Budget. The first Proposed Budget is fully funded, the
second Budget is insufficient, as the funds are short of the
Statutory requirements. The operating amounts are the same, the
difference is in the Reserve Account.
Dave Ferris made a motion to postpone voting on the proposed
2023 Budget until information obtained from our accountant can
be reviewed during the November Meeting, motion seconded, option
Vice President/ Pool Director Report:
Noreen reports that the lanai cage is pulling away from the
building, making the area a safety hazard. Noreen calling
contractors to assess cost to remove and replace the lanai cage
but has not received any return calls, as of yet. Discussion
took place with Shane, regarding the cost to take down the pool
cage and any ideas he might offer about a new cage or covering.
The project will remain on hold until more information is
The Pool Heater cooler is on hold until the fence and pool cage
is repaired or replaced which might take several months.
President Morris requests that Noreen contact the pool
heater/cooler salesman to obtain a clearly documented agreement
identifying how and when we will pay for the new pool heater/
Noreen made a motion for the lanai furniture to be moved into
the maintenance shed until such time it can be moved back into
the clubhouse. Motion seconded, discussion brought forth people’s
concerns of the shed becoming a safety hazard with the addition
of the lanai furniture. Only 1 YES vote, Motion failed.
Dave Ferris made a motion that President Morris appoint a
committee, including Mike, to identify a safe and reasonable
place to store the lanai furniture. Motion seconded and passed.
Unit Director’s Report: Second company brought in to scope the
Sink hole on front lawn of 1291 MCCB with No problem identified.
Consequently, the Sink hole is not a Unit Issue so Lisa
recommends transferring the follow-up to the Ground’s
Director. Dave will locate a business experienced in dealing with
Sink Holes.
Lisa is working with owners who have experienced window damage
on their lanais due to the Hurricane. She recommends that the
owners should, if not already done, submit a claim to their
insurance company for the damage. She has contacted several
window replacement companies in order to obtain estimates for
repairs. Also, she encouraged owners to submit a Maintenance
Form if they have encountered damage due to the Hurricane.
Sabal Construction has raised a concern that our new shingles
warranty will not be covered by the GAF company due to the
Hurricane. The Board must wait for the report from our
Insurance Company identifying what damages they will cover
before investigating warranty on the new shingles.
Motion made by Lisa for the Legal Committee to evaluate the need
for an amendment on the language of Hurricane shutter
specifications in our bylaws. Motion was seconded with no
discussion so motion carried.
Ground’s Director’s Report: Dave has contacted three(3) fence
companies to request a quote on the repair of the pool fence. No
information available yet. Landscaper is not able to mow the
lawns until all the twigs are removed. Angel is working hard to
save as many trees as possible.
New Business: Reminders to owners to be sure when u r away for
an extended period of time it is advisable to have someone
routinely check your units.
Motion made to adjourn the meeting and seconded. Meeting
Board Minutes respectfully submitted by Pearl Prevoir,