September 2021 Board Minutes

President: Larry Wynberg
Vice President: Joyce Morris
Treasurer: Linda Fentner
Secretary: Pearl Prevoir
Pool/Clubhouse Director: Kim Hanson
Grounds Director: Sandy Levinthol (ZOOM)
Unit Director: Lisa Kaiser (ZOOM)
Meeting called to order @ 1:00PM by President Wynberg.
Guest Speaker, Jeff Beal from Brown & Brown Insurance.
Jeff presented information about the industry wide increase of
insurance premiums and reasons for this change. He indicates that
one of our current insurance providers has changed their
guidelines. This change has caused a significant increase in our
premium for November, 2021 property insurance policy renewal. It is
also expected that we will receive an increase in our premium for the
association’s flood insurance of 27% @ renewal, as FEMA has a new
rating for flood insurance.
Although the community’s roofs appear to be in satisfactory
condition, the age of the roofs and buildings influence the cost of
the property Insurance. If roofs are 15years old, or older, the cost of
insurance increases drastically. Myerlee roofs were last replaced in
2004. Jeff highly recommends doing the roofs before 2024 in order
to help decrease the premium on the property insurance.
According to Jeff’s information, some insurance companies may
decline coverage or only offer minimal coverage for communities
with roofs 15 years old or older.
President’ Report: The main focus for today’s meeting is to review
the 2022 Budget Recommendations. Larry has reviewed the 3
estimates for roof replacement obtained by the Unit Director as well
as payment options available to pay for roofing costs which the Vice
President has been investigating.
Secretary’s Report: No changes or corrections recommended.
Motion made to accept the report. Unanimously approved
Treasurer’s Report: Financial Report accepted as submitted by all
board members, unanimously approved
Vice President’s Report: Joyce presented the 2022 proposed budget
but reports that the committee cannot continue to work on the
budget totals until the Property insurance premium is revealed.
Joyce’s report indicates that the percentage of the budget that
should be at the end of August is 66.67%. The Total Operating
Expenses shows we are overall 63% used before the Property
Insurance premium comes in. President Wynberg recommended
changes to some of the budget items, such as, clubhouse cleaning,
legal fees, maintenance of units, pool repair and maintenance,
suggest drop cable services, decrease travel budget, decrease
budget for materials and supplies for the common area and
decrease budget for water and sewer system and review
Maintenance staff salary and bonus. Larry suggests removing the
budget for Backflow installation
as it is not a mandatory expense. Budget Committee will enter these
budget changes and hope to have the insurance premium bill in
order to complete the 2022 Recommended Budget.
Grounds Report: Sandy made a motion to accept Angel’s
Contract with the same expectation of 3% increase per year. Previous
contract ends @end of December. Joyce seconded the motion, vote
was 6 YES,1 NAY, motion passed. Owner @ 6921 Birdie Way
complained about front storm door damage; item inspected by our
Maintenance man and our Landscaper only to report that the
could not have been caused by the landscape crew. President
Wynberg and unit owner were notified of this decision.
Bee Hive found behind 1229 MCCB. The hive was successfully
removed by a hired beekeeper.
Clubhouse/Pool Director’s Report: New heater for the AC was
installed by GulfShore Cooling on September 1st. Roofer contacted to obtain
an estimate for leak in the pool lanai. They were unable to offer an
estimate since it is not safe for their workers to be on the roof.
Unit Director’s Report: 6906 & 6910 Birdie Way experienced sewer
pipe breakage due to tree roots. Best Home services contacted and
repair completed.
6927 Dog Leg Way…owner found a soft spot in his spare bathroom
wall. Max Copping contacted, confirmed it was a leak around his
plumbing vent boot. Immediate repair to roof was completed by
Copping and Pack & Clean(PNC)
contacted to obtain an estimate for repair to wall & shower soffit
ceiling. Contractor found mold in the adjacent wall. We are waiting
for the accurate estimate from PNC since the job was bigger than
originally bid.
1371 Eagle Way…rat problem resolved. The water line chewed through
by the rats has been repaired.
6932 Dog Leg Way….owner complained of wet carpet in his spare
bedroom, assessed by Copping Roofing. The unit was found to
require rafter and wood replacement and re-roof of the area in front
of the kitchen window to front of spare bedroom. Cost for repair was
$2200 plus Additional $1,100 paid for recommended preventive
1317 & 1321 MCCB….large amount of roof grit removed from front
gutters. Homeowner reports leaking by his front door seems to have
Plumbing Vent Boot replacements…..3 buildings on Bunker Way were
found to have 8 out of 18 boots needing replacement. The Roofing
company confirms that if boots repaired now, they still would need to
be replaced again when roofs are redone in 2023/2024.
New Business: Owner’s Meeting will be scheduled for early November
to review the 2022 Budget Recommendations.
The initial paperwork for the Annual Meeting was recently received.
Pearl Prevoir made a motion to end the meeting, seconded by Kim
Hanson. Approved unanimously, meeting ended @ 2:35 pm.
Board minutes respectfully submitted by Pearl Prevoir