January 2021 Board Meeting Minutes

Board Minutes                     January 19,2021
Meeting called to order by V P JOYCE MORRIS @ 1:35 p.m. All board members in
attendance . President Wynberg joined the meeting by ZOOM.
Several owners report dealing with mice and Palm Rat problems. Mike working with these
owners. Mike reports a possible leak in the irrigation system which he will evaluate then
report findings to the Director of Grounds.
Mike reports some damage to the corral at the dumpster site that appears to have been
caused by the Garbage truck. Larry requests Mike take pictures of the damaged area and
submit to Larry for review.
December Board Minutes reviewed and approved as presented
Linda reports an increase for Comcast services. The treasurer identified availability of
monies that could be used to pay for new bushes. Motion made by Larry that $4000.00
from the surplus fund be used toward purchase of bushes, seconded by Linda, all board
members approved the motion. December financials reviewed and approved by all board
Joyce reports that she has created a summary of the Rules and Regulations the Board
has enacted since the beginning of The Pandemic. After review of the CDC current
recommendations, and owner’s concerns about use of pool floats, Joyce presented a
motion that we approve our current Rules and Regulations, as stated, including
expectation that all individuals (owners/ residents and guests) must quarantine for 14
days when they come into or return to Myerlee Circle. Discussion regarding use of pool
floats identified the need to change our current requirement from NO Floats to be used to
individuals can bring their own floats to the pool but Cannot leave them in the pool area,
MUST take them home. All board members in agreement with this motion. Brown &
Brown representative reviewed insurance cost increases and
Coverage. She reports a 15% increase in our liability coverage. VP will review the policy
before renewal in February, 2021.
Kim reports problem with pool heater was repaired. She is looking @ sample tile for the
pool bathrooms.
The stripping for the parking spots at the maintenance shed should be done within a
month, pending cooperation of the weather.
Sandy states that due to the irrigation problems we had, the landscaper has about
5-6months of work to catch up on. She reports 3 trees need trimming, one palm tree to be
taken down and she is still accepting donations for the Memorial Garden. Sandy will
obtain the date for bug and weed spraying.
Joyce made a motion to Ratify the Truck Parking Rules, all board members in agreement
to accept new rules as stated.
Larry indicates the Fine Committee is no longer active, must be re-established with new
members. Nuisance Complaints continue, Larry requests that second letter be sent to
Bunker Way residents and first letter of concern sent to the resident on Eagle Way.
Secretary displayed new notebooks for the Board to use during new owner interviews.
Board members discussed best procedure to Collect the 2019 Directories, President
requests Collection Policy be developed for Directory Collection. Welcome Committee
member requests treasurer notify them when there is a new owner, including name and
location. Kim requests Board Meeting start @ 1:00 pm. All members in agreement.
Motion to Adjourn made by Sandy and second by KIm. Meeting adjourned @ 2:51 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Pearl Prevoir
Board Secretary