January 2024 Board Meeting
FORT MYERS, Fl 33919
President: Noreen Bailey
Treasurer: Linda Fentner
Secretary: Pearl Prevoir
Unit Director: Tom Kaiser
Grounds Director: Charlie Flugger
Pool/Clubhouse Director Cynthia McComb
President Bailey called the meeting to order at 1:30 PM.
Secretary’s Report:
Secretary emailed the 12/19/2023 Board Notes to all board members prior
to this meeting, for review. There were no comments or requests for
change. Tom made a motion to accept notes, seconded by Cynthia. No
discussion required, notes accepted as read.
The Annual Meeting Proxies and cover letter will be mailed to owners end
of week with a self addressed envelope. During the previous board
meeting, the Unit Director requested the location of information
regarding the board’s responsibility of selection of paint colors for front
of units. Information shared with Tom and discussion took place regarding
the board’s responsibilities. No decisions were made at this time. The Unit
Director requested information on the location of the Second Amended
and Restated Declaration of Condominium (DOC). Secretary reports a
copy of the DOCs is located on the MCCA Website, along with the
Certificate of Recordation. Owners are able to download copies of this
information. An owner suggests that a copy of the Second Amended and
Restated DOCS be placed in the clubhouse library for owners without
access to a computer.
The Secretary got permission from the President to discuss a replacement
sandwich board, which was not on the Agenda. Discussion took place on
why a new sandwich board is needed. The Treasurer made a motion that
we buy a new sandwich board for $200.00 or less, seconded by Pearl, no
discussion took place, motion carried. Sandwich board was ordered.
Pearl reports that she has reviewed the Owner’s Emergency Information
Notebook for missing forms. Owners without forms were requested, via
mail, to complete and submit a new form. Pearl made a motion that we
have all long term renters complete these forms as part of the interview
process, in case we cannot reach the owner when/ if there is an
emergency, seconded by Charlie. Cynthia questioned if this was a
requirement for renters, discussion took place and motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Linda reviewed the December Financials and included explanations of the
balance of each category. Charlie had a question regarding the amount of
money in the operating account and the number of bank accounts the
association maintains. A lively discussion took place regarding the use of
loans, interest payments,the associations monthly bills and expected cost
for flood insurance, which is due in June. Tom and Charlie raised concerns
about paying interest on loans, leaving the association less money to put
toward savings. Treasurer reports that she did confer with the association’s
long time accountant regarding the use and pay off of loans. According to
Linda, they both feel that the association would be short on funds when
the premium for the Flood insurance is due, if we pay off the loan now. The
association may need to raise funds for insurance payment by
assessments or increase the owner’s monthly maintenance fees.
Linda reviewed the pay off figure for the loan if done in February. She
indicates that the association would not save much money if paid off in
A question came up about insurance coverage on the new maintenance
cart which Linda will follow- up on.
Ground’s Director:
Charlie reviewed the report from the Association’s Insurance Committee
consisting of Linda Fentner, Charlie Flugger and Rich Rosenthal . Meeting
was held on Friday, January 5, 2024. After much discussion, it was
determined that with our regular monthly expenses, together with the
addition of the monthly insurance payments, there is simply no way we can
continue with financing the insurance and saving for future premiums. A
recommendation was made to consider using the money in the savings
account and the balance of the operating account to pay off the
insurance premium.
After much discussion, Tom made a motion to pay off the current loan
using monies from the savings account, seconded by Charlie. No further
discussion took place, 2 board members voted NO, 3 board members
voted YES, motion carried.
Charlie reviewed a quote from Joshua Tree Inc, addressing costs to prune
14 trees that are located throughout the community. He made a motion to
accept Joshua’s proposal, seconded by Tom, no discussion required,
motion carried.
Charlie requests that owners be notified not to do any planting in the back
or front of their units as of February 1, 2024, until further notice, due to the
upcoming repair and painting of the units.
President’s Report:
Noreen reviewed the contract from SWFL Contracting for the rebuild and
repair of the pool lanai. A down payment was mailed to the contractor. The
company indicates that the job may not start for 4-6 months.
Unit Director:
Tom reports that he will be working with the maintenance staff to clean up
old furniture, empty flower pots, old sandbags and other debris that has
been noted behind many of the condos. He will send a notice for Julia to
put in the February newsletter.
After close inspection of MCCA buildings, Tom has determined that there
are repairs needed and the stucco must be sealed and or painted. He has
obtained several quotes for painting, sealing and repair work. It appears
painting the units, after repairs are completed, is the best and economical
way to seal the stucco. The Board is considering changing the color of the
paint for the fronts of each unit. The project is not scheduled yet, but will
probably be done in a 2 step schedule.
Tom reports that the old electric maintenance cart has been sold.
Pool/Clubhouse Report:
Cynthia reports screens for the clubhouse windows still not delivered. She
will continue to follow-up with the vendor. A repair was done on the side of
the pool table, by Cynthia. The Fire Extinguishers were checked by Iona Fire
Safety on 1/20/24. Reports received and given to Mike and Linda.
New Business: Owner Concern
Rich Rosenthal raised concerns about the outdoor shower not working
properly, nor having hot water. President Bailey explained how the shower
works and that it has been provided for owners to rinse off before they go
into the pool and rinse chemicals off when out of the pool.
Rich asked to discuss reopening the indoor showers, but he was reminded
that the Board voted not to reopen the showers during a board meeting in
April, 2022.
Secretary’s Recommendation:
Pearl requests that the board consider obtaining information about a
Management Company for MCCA. She reports that we continue to have a
poor response from owners to volunteer for the Board and other
committees that could help to assist the board with different projects.
Pearl made a motion to invite a management company representative to a
future board meeting, to present information regarding Management
Companies responsibilities and costs, seconded by Cynthia, no further
discussion, motion passed. Pearl will contact a Local representative to
schedule this presentation.
Next board meeting is scheduled for February 20, 2024.
Tom made a motion to adjourn the meeting @ 2:38 pm., seconded by
Cynthia, motion passed.
Report respectfully submitted by Pearl Prevoir, Secretary