December 2023 Board Meeting

FORT MYERS, Fl 33919
Board Notes. December 19, 2023
Acting President: Noreen Bailey (VP)
Treasurer: Linda Fentner
Secretary: Pearl Prevoir
Unit Director: Tom Kaiser
Grounds Director: Charles Flugger
Pool/Clubhouse Director: Cynthia McComb
Meeting called to order by Noreen Bailey, VP & Acting President.
Noreen reports that it was brought to the board’s attention that during the
November 8th Board Meeting there should have been an election of a new
president due to the resignation of the presiding president, who resigned her
position as of December 1, 2023. Cynthia made a motion to elect Noreen Bailey
as the President of the Board as of December 1, 2023 until March 4, 2024.
Motion seconded by Pearl, no discussion took place, motion passed.
Secretary’s Report: Pearl distributed the November 8th Board Notes to all board
members prior to this meeting, for review. Board Members had no changes or
comments, no discussion required. Motion made by Linda to accept notes as
presented, seconded by Cynthia, notes accepted as read.
Board agreed that a reminder notice should be sent to all owners regarding the
January 1st change in our maintenance fee and changes in the trash pickup
schedule for the Christmas and New Year holiday weeks.
Discussion took place about renters being listed in the upcoming Directory for
2024-2025. Julia will create a sample Directory that will include a space for
long-term renters for the Board’s review before the Annual Meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Linda distributed the October and November financial
reports prior to this meeting. Board members had no questions about the
October report, but Tom requested the definition of Operating Expenses and
more details about the loan the board had taken through our insurance company
at a rate of 7%. Discussion took place regarding double payment on the loan
causing a decision to create a committee to investigate and develop an
alternative payment method for this loan. Noreen appointed Charlie Flugger as
the chairman of the committee. He will select several other board members,
including the Treasurer, to work on the committee and report their progress at the
January 23, 2024 board meeting.
Noreen requests that Linda develop and present an Accounts Payable Register
as of January 1st, at the January 23,2024 Board meeting. Linda reports that we
have 3 delinquent owners who have not paid, either their Special assessment or
portions of their monthly dues. She indicates that she is working with these
individuals to bring them up to date.
A discussion took place regarding the best procedure to be followed, by the
Treasurer and the Directors, to keep track of monies spent. The Treasurer will fax
or email copies of invoices she receives from venders ,or our maintenance man,
to the appropriate Director, for their review.
President’s Report: Prior to this meeting, Noreen distributed 3 proposals she
received from local contractors for the rebuild of the clubhouse lanai with request
for any questions or comments. Noreen obtained answers from the contractors to
questions asked by board members before this meeting. She reports that the
Southwest Contracting Co. has the best reputation and price for the lanai rebuild.
She reports that this company requires a 25% down payment, 25% payment at
completion of engineering reports and 50% payment at completion. The project
may take up to 6 months. Tom made a motion to accept the Southwest
Contacture’s Co. proposal, seconded by Cynthia with no further discussion, all in
agreement, motion passed.
Noreen requested an update from Tom about the shutter replacement schedule.
As Tom is most interested in changing the color of the front of each unit, in
MCCA, he did not install shutters on his condo so he could ,possibly, use his
condo as the sample when selecting the new paint color for front of units.
Secretary reports that we cannot make these changes without a 2/3rd vote from
the community. President Bailey, and Tom, request that the secretary present the
documented ruling regarding paint change procedure at the next board meeting.
Unit Manager’s Report: Tom reports that the electric cart is not needed nor is it
being properly maintained. He made a motion to sell the cart, seconded by
Cynthia with no further discussion, motion passed.
Clubhouse/Pool Director Report: Cynthia reports that the screens were still not
installed by Home Depot. She is following up with them. Hibiscus plants planted
in front of the clubhouse.
Grounds Director’s Report: Charlie distributed 3 quotes from Tree Trimming
companies prior to this meeting for board members review and comments. No
questions or concerns discussed. Pearl made a motion to hire Joshua’s Tree
removal company as they had the best price, very good reviews and good
availability to do the job. Motion seconded by Tom, all in favor so motion passed.
Charlie made note of how many of the community’s trees and plants were close
to the units making it easy for rodents to get into attics. No further discussion
took place.
Next board meeting is scheduled for 1/23/24.
Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Linda, seconded by Pearl at 3:20PM.