March 2024 Newsletter
March 2024
6945 Dog Leg Way, Fort Myers,FL 33919
Phone 239-481-8387 |
Editor: Julia Tepper |
Good news. We have signed the lanai contract. The time frame for construction is not set in stone. If all goes well, it will be completed by the end of March. Stay tuned for updates. We thank you for your patience.
Many of you are now aware that the Pool& Clubhouse Director, Cynthia McComb and the
Secretary, Pearl Prevoir will be leaving the board after the Annual Meeting.
Cynthia has played a strong role in making many improvements and changes in both the
clubhouse and the pool in the past year.Her most valuable accomplishment has been to obtain
attractive and sturdy new clubhouse chairs. Cynthia organized the workshop to put all the chairs
together with the help from the Men’s Club, Women’s Club and other association members.
With-in 3 days all the chairs were ready for use, a great and thankful accomplishment.
During the six (6) years that Pearl has been the Secretary, she has provided the board attention
to detail on needed research on association projects, liaison with the publisher of the
association Directory, Newsletter and the association answering service. Her willingness to orient and support new board members is very much appreciated.
MCCA Owners Annual Meeting
Monday, March 4, at 6:30 pm at the clubhouse |
The Women’s Club meeting will be held on (this month only) Tuesday, March 05.
Meetings are held on the first Monday of the month at the clubhouse at 10:00 am.
From 10:00 to 10:30 am we will have a social time with coffee and pastries. Meeting will start promptly at 10:30 am. Come and join us. All are welcome.
The Men’s Club breakfast will be held on Saturday, March 9, from 8:30 am- 9:30am
Join your friends and neighbors for a delicious breakfast of pancakes, eggs, sausages, cinnamon styks, fruit, and coffee. The cost is $5.00.
The Book Club meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 12, at 11:00 am.
In March we will be presenting our own selection.
For any questions or more information about the Book Club, please contact Kelley Bless at 239-437-2050.
All are welcome
The featured author for march is Scott Wieczorek. Scott Wieczorek, has been writing since an early age and loves to share a good story. He published his first young adult novel, Byron: A Zombie Tale (part 1), in 2013.
Four of his books are on display at the library, and I have access to the rest of them if anyone is interested. My favorite is The Plan.
Scott and I have been good friends for many years, so I am thrilled to present his books.
He is an archeologist by trade, however, his true passion rests in writing fiction.
Scott and his wife Catherine reside in lower New York State.
Note: These books belong to me, and are on loan to the library.
Kelly Bless, Librarian
The next Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, March19, at 1:30 pm at the clubhouse.
Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month. Owners are invited.
Owners should notify the Secretary if they want to be on the Agenda.
Please leave your name and message, including the topic you would like to discuss. @ (239) 481-8387, by Friday before the board meeting
Don’t forget these groups meeting every
week at the Circle Clubhouse for fun activities
The Myerlee Circle Art Group: will continue to meet at the Clubhouse every Thursday at 1:00pm.
If you wish to join us please contact Julia Tepper at
Strength & Balance Chair Yoga Class: Chair Yoga classes are held every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00 to 10.00 am at the Myerlee Circle clubhouse. If interested, please call Jane Lowry at 504-669-6396.
Water Aerobics: Water Aerobics classes will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, we meet at 10:00 am to 11:00 am. (except for the first Monday of the month.
For any questions, please call Noreen Bailey at 612-247-5275
Happy Hour: Meets every Thursday at the Clubhouse at 4:30 pm. Bring a snack of your choice along with your beverage and get in on the latest scoop.
Bocce Players:
Is Friday afternoons around 4:00 pm,come out to the Bocce court for some fun and laughs. It is right behind the clubhouse. If you wish to use the court at any other time, you are welcome.
The balls are in a silver case in the pool’s utility closet and the broom used to smooth the court is also in the pool’s utility closet
The shuffleboard Courts are ready for your use.
The cue-sticks are in the clubhouse pantry on the side of the shelf next to the inside door.
The pucks are in a box on the floor just below the cue sticks.
For any information you may email Paul at
— There is also corn hole, and the game equipment is in the clubhouse pantry behind the door. Bean bags for corn hole are in a canvas gag on the shelf
in the pantry. Help yourself if you wish to use any of the equipment.
You can set this up on the lawn to enjoy.
Please return what you used to where you found it. –Thank you