Meeting Minutes July 2017
Myerlee Circle Condominium Association, LLC
6945 Dogleg Way, Fort Myers, FL. 33919 July 18, 2017
President Sandy Cummings
Treasurer Linda Fentner
Secretary John Schreiber
Director Kim Hanson
Director David Ferris
Director Paul Salvagin
All the above Board Members were present. A Quorum was present. The meeting was called to order at 1:02 pm.
Secretary- A motion to approve the minutes of the May 16, meeting, and to waive the reading thereof was made by David
Ferris; seconded by Paul Salvagin. The Board voted in approval completely.
Treasurer- Linda provided the written Treasurer’s Report (copy attached). The Assn. is showing a $1288 surplus as of June 30,
2017. Transfers totaling $20,000 was made to cover the premium for the Flood Insurance policy. The amount of $10,000
was made from Reserves, and the rest from the Operations budget. The Reserve will be reimbursed presently.
As of June 28, we transferred CenturyLink service to Comcast. We added online service and basic TV.
In May funds were taken from the Cash Box (Petty Cash) without the knowledge or consent of the Treasurer who handles these types of transactions. From now on we should insist that purchases are to be made are first cleared with the Treasurer; then after the purchase is made the signed receipt with a statement of the reason for the purchase made and turned over to the Treasurer for reimbursement. A motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report was made by David Ferris, and seconded by Paul Salvagin. The Board voted approval unanimously.
Clubhouse-Kim Hanson reported that BugsRus was used to solve an ant problem. Further, a maintenance call for the A/C was
made. Paper work for the A/C work from At You Service will be gathered.
The internet and TV in the Clubhouse is available to all owners. An article in the newsletter should inform owners of
these available services. The password will be made available to them.
New security doors are up. There are new keys for them. We should inform owners to call the office to pick up their key.
Grounds-A copy of the Maintenance Report is attached. Broken windows have not been fixed. The owner of the
company is not responding well to our call for repair. We will have the windows fixed ourselves; then deduct the total of our
payments from future payments to the lawn company. We have heard nothing from FPL about fixing the damage
done to our irrigation system by their trucks. Linda or Paul will contact them. Damage to our main line is part of the problem. It
has forced us to shut down the system. Units-We have had some roofing problems at:
Unit Est. Cost
6916 Birdie Way $4250
6920 Birdie Way 4250
1359 Bunker Way 475
6917 Birdie Way 475
Total Estimated Cost $9450
David Ferris motioned that the estimated amount be approved. Paul Salvagin seconded the motion. The Board voted to approve unanimously.
There is a problem at 1241 Myerlee Country Club Blvd. Our Maintenance man will have to look at that.
We are having a significant number of leaking rooves. I motion that we employ Copping Roofing to make a survey of all rooves in order to get an expert idea of the condition of them for repair at the present time, and for future budgeting purposes. The last time he did such a survey, it cost $12,000. Also, in that motion is that we postpone the painting of the Assn. until next Spring so funds would be available to solved our present roofing problems. The motion was seconded by John Schreiber. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion. David informed the Board that he will be unavailable between July 27 and August 22.
Public Comment-A Garage Sale was approved for Diane Morefeld for the period August19 and 20, 2017
New Business-A motion to hire David Cummings to be the Association’s Maintenance Man was made by Paul Salvagin. Mr. Cummings would have a four-hour workday. The Board asked that more details of the arrangement be made available i.e. salary work hours and days, and whether this is a permanent or
temporary hiring situation. However, since the repair situation, brought about by excessive rain and the maintenance backlog created by the previous employee the Board proceeded with a second of the motion by Paul, which was seconded by David. The Board voted: four approve; one against, with the President
abstaining. The motion carried.
Budget Committee-A Budget Committee needs to be appointed soon for three reasons; First-to consider changes in the current year’s budget, second-to consider paying for a Management Company, and third- to get ahead of budget concerns for next year at a date sooner than was done in the previous year. Further, it was thought that a significant number of non-board members be part of such a committee. John said he would prepare a notice asking owners who wished to
participate in the budget process to notify the Board Office, in writing, by September 15. The notice should be sent to all owners. David added that he wanted the Budget Committee to be a Standing Committee that assisted the Board in Financial affairs throughout the year.
HOA Management Company-John has distributed a list of HOA Mgmt. Cos., and suggested items to be used in the interview
of such companies should the Board decide to proceed that far with the idea. The Board was charge with the task of attempting
to identify those tasks which it would be turned over and those that it would maintain control of. The Board members were
asked to make such a list and put in John’s In box prior to the next board meeting. The Mgmt. Co. needs should be discussed thoroughly at the that meeting.
John pointed out that the Maintenance Report was now treated as part of the meeting even though it was presented before the meeting was called to order. It would better serve procedure if the report was given during the Ground of Units portion of the actual Board meeting. All members agreed.
A letter was received by the President (copy attached) concerning the right of a family member living one of our units to remain therein even though such person (a guest) has been in residence in excess of 30 days. Sandy stated that our Condo documents nor bylaws give the Board the express power to evict
a person who is not in violation of HOA rules. It is decided that Sandy write to the owner advising him that the Board does not have authority to act in this matter.
Adjournment-A motion to adjourn was made by John Schreiber;
seconded by Kim Hanson. The Board voted in approval. The meeting was adjourned at 2:11 pm.
Next Board Meeting will be on August 16, 2017.