Meeting Minutes September 2017
Myerlee Circle Condominium Association, LLC
6945 Dogleg Way
Fort Myers, FL 33919 September 19, 2017
President- Sandy Cummings
Treasurer- Linda Fentner
Secretary- John Schreiber
Director- Kim Hanson
Director- Paul Salvagin
Director- David Ferris
All members were present. A quorum was achieved. The meeting was called to order at 1:00pm.
Secretary- The minutes of the September 6, meeting was read. Corrections were needed, and have been filed. A
motion to approve the minutes as corrected was made by Sandy Cummings, and seconded by Kim Hanson.
Treasurer- The Treasurer’s report was given (copy attached). No update of accounting reports was available do to
the complications of Hurricane Irma. A motion to accept the report was made by John Schreiber, and seconded by Kim Hanson.
Clubhouse- The pool is now open.
Grounds- David Ferris reported that Mr. Copping is going to do the roofing survey.
Paul Salvagin reported that Ed Ingersoll has measured all damaged windows. Nothing has actually been
repaired yet. Steve Hart’s unit now has cracks in his windows between the holes that were previously there. He
is high on our repair list.
The Irrigation system has developed several leaks, four of them being on Eagle Way. Shut Off water valves have not yet been fixed, but possibly will be done this week.
Damage due to Hurricane Irma:
David Cummings patched 27-unit roofs, and tarred 12 additional units. He fixed soffits on 11 units, and
shutters on 12 units. Four leaning private lampposts were noted. The shed door was also fixed. The trolley part in the
middle of the device was broken. Sandy purchase the part and David repaired it. Pictures and videos of the damage
were made. Nine units had facia and gutter damage. Two large trees are up-rooted, six medium sized trees are down
also. Fifteen trees of medium and small sized are damaged and need to be taken down. Sandy contacted Dave
Summers of the lawn company, who agreed to move the debris to the curb for $55 per man/hr. He said if a window
was broken during his removal efforts it would be our responsibility. Sandy agreed and ordered the service. We
are thinking that leaning trees which must be taken down may be better dealt with by a tree service that has liability
insurance. We are not sure that Summers has such. Larry has a grappling truck which he could use to haul the debris
away. David explained that Larry will probably pick up only along the Boulevard. We will get a tree surgeon company to take down trees. David will ask Larry for a time frame for pickup. Broken windows have been noticed on lanais.
David has temporarily fixed Alex’s, and will put plastic on another. Four lanais have bad roof problems. Three
ceilings have come down. Mr. Copping will give us an estimate to fix roofs per building. Roofs are an Association
responsibility. Walls and windows are owner’s responsibility. Mr. Copping will not repair facia, because
they are aluminum, nor will he repair soffits. Sandy has faxed a list of repairs to him. Plastic facia and soffits may
be a better replacement.
David Cummings priorities will be gutters, and downspouts for now.
The irrigation system did not work after the power came back on. There was no pressure. There is a
leak and the control valves are not working.
President- Sandy asked Linda what account the reimbursement check she gave her was drawn on. Linda
replied that it is the Operating account. The one that was originally established for the Assn. The checks do not have
an address on them since they are still the first checks issued on the account, sort of a starter set. Sandy said that
the checks must be moved to the office safe. David asked who can sign checks for the Assn. Linda said that she
and/or Reggie (Matland Accounting) could. David asked if there were two signatures required. Linda that is not the
way it was set up, either she or Reggie could sign, because Reggie pays all the bills he must be able to sign himself.
David stated that another Board member should be able to sign checks as a safeguard if Linda was unavailable. John
asked if Reggie reconciled the bank accounts. Linda said he does. John asked how we would get the bank statements
and reconciliations if we wanted to look at them. Linda said to call him. Sandy mentioned that she had used the Lowe’s Credit card and put it back in the office safe. Linda said that only Sandy should sign in the use of that card. If you want everybody to able to charge the Assn. account then I would have to get a card for each person. But someone can sign Sandy’s name when using the card. It has been done before and the store never has objected.
Units- David stated that GulfShore Insurance has yet to assign us a file number, buy will. There is no deductible on
tree problems, but there is a $5,000 limit. The insurance agent has been here on our property twice to look at
damage. The Hurricane deductible is 5% of the appraised value per building. Chances are we are not going to reach
the deductible limits. We need to keep track of expense per unit, because it is cumulative through the year. Also, we
must keep track of David Cummings time related to the storm, because that adds to the costs that we incur and can
be applied against the deductible. That includes gas, materials, etc. Six bundles of roofing shingles will be kept,
others purchased will be returned.
The Budget Committee will meet, but when is the question, because the estimates on repairs, and roofing will
need to be understood prior to drawing any conclusion on moving this year’s funds. I was thinking that a meeting on
the 26 th might be ok, maybe the 29 th would better. John asked Linda to request a report from the accounting firm
showing where we stand as of a date certain. Linda said that she would and that she had some data already. The
committee is: Linda, David, Larry, Karl, and John, and the President can sit in if desired.
John stated that he was confused about how expense data is going to be collected. What with insurance
companies, FEMA, lawn service, roofing, etc. all involved in expense, payment, and settlement transactions some
accumulation point should be designated to put all the documents. We have to collect estimates, bills, and all
having to do with IRMA in one place. Why do not we just put them in John’s in-basket and I will file them right there
in the front of the open files.
A motion to adjourn was made by John, and seconded by Kim. The meeting was adjourned at 2:02pm.