March 2018 Board Minutes
Myerlee Circle Condominium Association, Inc.
6945 Dog Leg Way
Fort Myers, Florida 33919
March 20, 2018 Minutes
President……………Larry Wynberg
Vice President…….John Schreiber
Treasurer……………Linda Fentner
Secretary……………..Pearl Prevoir
Director……………….Kim Hanson
Director………………Dave Ferris
The meeting was called to order by President Wynberg @ 1;05 pm. All board
members present.
Secretaries Report
The minutes were read from previus meeting. No corrections or additions
required. Motion made to accept report, seconded and approved by board.
Treasurer’s Report
Savings Account Balance is $36,791.74. Treasurer hopes to put monies aside
each month to help pay for Flood Insurance. Monthly revenue is
$40,000.00, have received $19,900.00 towards Special Assessment,
information on partial payments vs full payments made, not available at
this time. There are no residents in arrears and no pending condo sales.
Linda reports receiving questions on 55+status and what animals are
Clubhouse Report
Kim bought 2 new wall lights and glider. Men’s club bought mulch which
was spread in front of clubhouse and around other areas.
Property Report (Grounds and Units)
Lawn Maintenance contact request sprinklers remain on for 15 minutes
more to help with fertilizing. Dave reports he received 3 quotes to repair
lanai ceilings: Fidelity quoted $4,153.00, Handyman Company quoted over
$5,200.00 and Acme Construction quoted $2,500.00 Sandy Cummings
called Fidelity but not response. Dave will obtain quotes for bathroom and
Lanai ceilings, including the Thompsen’s on Par Way who had a roof leak.
Board approved up to $2,000.00 toward repair of Thompsen’s ceiling and
up to $5,100.00 for repair of 4 lanais plus Koehler’s bathroom. Koehler’s
bathroom should be done first. Lee Painting will start in April.
President’s Report
President Wynberg had questions about current contracts for Sprinklers,
action needed for tree and shrub replacement, trimming of trees and care
of pump. Updates on Contracts for grounds and units reviewed by Dave
Ferris and John Schrieber. Larry states he will meet with contractors.
Public Comments
Walter Bell did presentation on reserve management. Dave Ferris made
motion for this information to be given to Budget Committee. Seconded by
John Schrieber. Board agreed.
Old Business
President asked for status of Welcoming Committee, Dave indicates
committee has been tabled at this time. Kim Hanson and Pearl Prevoir
volunteered to work up recommendations for a Welcome Committee.
Members agreed best to have 2 board members along with several residents
on welcome committee.
John reports he filed all required documents with legal firm, Linda Fentner
reminded John that her name must be added to this information so she can
continue communication with legal council, as needed. Discussion took
place on size and persons who should be on the Budget Committee. All
agreed several experienced residents along with Treasurer and other board
members would be appropriate Previously board voted on 5 individuals
needed for budget committee. Larry encouraged all board members to talk
with local residents about joining the committee.
John reports only one company .LCM, showed interest in performing the
Reserve Study, has reached out to several other companies with no
response at this time. Will follow-up with other vendors. Larry gave John
information on Home Advisor.
New Business
Pearl recommends review of process and procedure for Yearly Budget
meeting due to some confusion noted during recent meeting. Board
members agreed. Larry states April Newsletter asks for volunteers to assist
with grounds due to lack of a Director at this time.
Meeting Adjourned @2;30 pm
Respectfully Submitted by Pearl Prevoir
Thanks for posting the meeting minutes. It is the only way we seasonal residents can stay in touch with the affairs of the condo assn.