Annual Meeting March 2019
Myerlee Circle Condominium Association, Inc
6945 Dog Leg Way
Fort Myers, FL 33919
Annual Board Meeting. March 4, 2019
President. Larry Wynberg
Vice President. John Schreiber
Treasurer. Linda Fentner
Secretary. Pearl Prevoir
Director. David Ferris
Director. Kim Hanson
The Annual Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Wynberg. 51 owners/voters were present therefore a quorum was achieved. All board members were present.
The minutes of the last annual meeting was read by the Board Secretary. The 2018 minutes were accepted and closed.
President’s Report…Larry reported changes in the association insurance will take place in near future.He answered owner’s questions regarding distribution of mulch and possible change in pole light ownership.
Treasurer’s Report…Linda gave the 2018 End of Year Report which is attached. Treasurer reviewed the Budget vs Expenditures. Report attached.
Vice President’s Report…John presented information on monies rolled over into Reserve Account and additional details about the Working Capital Fund.
No unfinished business
New Business…The vote to waive the annual Financial Reporting requirement was 39 Yes to 12 No. The reporting requirement is waived for FY 2019.Financial and Accounting reports shall be made by the Treasurer and the Accounting firm as to our year-end financial status.
President Wynberg explained board’s interest in taking over ownership of the owner’s pole lights. Larry answered all questions before asking for owner’s vote on this request. Request defeated.
Secretary presented Proposal for part-time Office Manager.Secretary and President answered owner’s questions. Board will consider owner’s input before taking vote at next board meeting.
A motion to adjourn was made by Larry Wynberg. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm