June 2020 Board Minutes
Myerlee Circle Condominium Association, Inc
6945 Dog Leg Way, Fort Myers, FL 33919
Board Minutes. June 17, 2020
President: Larry Wynberg
Vice President: Joyce Morris
Treasurer: Linda Fentner
Secretary: Pearl Prevoir
Director: Dave Ferris
Director: Kim Hanson
Director: Sandy Levinthal
Meeting called to order @ 3:00 PM by President Wynberg. Treasurer
Linda Fentner absent but all other board members present.
Maintenance Report: Mike reports
● Lanai ceiling has some leaks, requires repair, Mike will obtain
necessary items for repair
● Receiving calls from owners about gutter leaks; appears
landscapers are hitting downspouts with equipment
● Reports flooding of 2 Lanais during heavy rains
● Must trim low hanging branches behind Par and Tee Way
● Dryer vent cleaning completed
● Vender did spraying of ants outdoors
● Leaking pipe behind 1375 Eagle Way capped by Dave Ferris
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Joyce Morris identified several errors in the
May Board Minutes. Changes made by Secretary, report accepted as
read after corrections completed. Secretary reported on changes and
updates for 2021 Directory. Secretary requests further discussion
about Golf Cart documents and review of Recycling
requirements at next board meeting. Members agreed. New Directory
will be completed after March Annual Meeting, 2021.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Financials available for review by board
members as Treasurer absent from meeting.
VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Joyce presented important points
identified by presenters during several webinars from Becker &
Poliakoff lawyers and Castle Management Company regarding
COVID-19. Joyce reviewed
COVID-19 Phase 2 Recommendations with board members. All
members agree: 1) clubhouse should remain closed, except for
Library use by owners/resident 1 day/week under the supervision of
the clubhouse librarian 2) Only owners/residents are allowed to use
the swimming pool 7 days/week; bathrooms remain open but indoor
showers closed. Outdoor shower available for owners/residents,
3)The board continues to support no floats or toys in the pool and
pool should be used for swimming, not socializing with social
distancing expected, as best possible. There will continue to only be a
few chairs available on the pool deck. Owners/residents will receive
copy of the updated information. Board members approved COVID
-19 Rules for Realtors which will be included with the Phase 2
information for owners/residents.
Joyce reviewed Flood Insurance cost. She discussed cost of content
coverage with our agent. All board members agree that content
coverage is necessary, Approved obtaining policy to cover contents of
maintenance shed.
PRESIDENT’S REPORT: FAIR HOUSING complaint resolved at this
time. Larry discussed some budget questions with Directors.
CLUBHOUSE/POOL: Kim reports Mike placed new TV on the wall in
the clubhouse.
UNITS/GROUNDS: Dave reports that Mike will complete the ceiling
repair in 1363 Bunker Way as the previously hired contractor has
backed out of the job. 1349 Bunker Way gutter issues reviewed,
waiting for quote from Angel. Condo on Myerlee CC Blvd having
similar problems, quote will include work on both gutter and water
problems. Mike put a permanent cap on pipe behind 1375 Eagle Way
with good result
GROUNDS: Sandy requests Dave and Larry handle the tree removal at
6928 Birdie Way. Board members agree that tree removal should be
pended until all involved parties have an opportunity to discuss plans.
Recommend Dave and Larry meet with Tom and his neighbor.
OLD BUSINESS: Memorial Garden approved.
Pearl request more details on Vehicle Parking requirements for
owners/residents at the maintenance shed parking area. President
identified expected use was for owners to put their Campers, motor
homes, boats, trailers and other recreational vehicles at the
maintenance building. Board members all agreed that these vehicles
are appropriate to reman at the shed. All vehicles parked at the shed
must have the owner’s name, phone number and unit number on the
dashboard of the vehicle. Cars must be licensed and insured and
should remain in this area for only 6 months.
NEW BUSINESS: Pearl request notifying owners to contact
maintenance via phone or email if they require repairs. Email will be
sent to owners about this change.
Owner’s Comments: Owner of 1349 Bunker Way discussed concerns
about water on his lanai. Dave Ferris reviewed situation and waiting
for quote for repair. Owner of 6928 request update on pipe repair.
Dave reports capping of pipe stopped the flooding at this time.
Maintenance will closely monitor the situation. Several condo owners
had questions about our exterminators responsibilities, contract/
agreement reviewed.
Motion made by Kim Hanson to adjourn the meeting, seconded by
Meeting Adjourned @ 4:45 pm