June 2023 Board Minutes
President. Joyce Morris
Vice President. Noreen Bailey
Treasurer. Linda Fentner
Secretary. Pearl Prevoir
Ground’s Director. Dave Ferris
Unit Director. Tom Kaiser
Pool/Clubhouse Director. Cynthia McComb (Absent)
MAINTENANCE REPORT: Mike reports there is a leak in one of the lines around the pool area, that Mike is trying to locate. This might have happened when the new plants were put in around the pool. President Morris questioned when the irrigation system is usually turned off. Mike reports that he closely monitors the rain we receive before turning off the irrigation system. Discussion took place about the type of replacement shutters we require. Mike reports that new shutters now come with clips so brackets are no longer needed. The Unit Director will investigate the type of shutters we require.
Meeting called to order by President Morris @1:40 PM.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: The May 16, 2023 Board Notes were distributed to all Board members, for their review, prior to this meeting. The report was accepted as read with no further discussion required. Pearl reports that she is organizing Association documents for proper storage.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Linda reviewed May’s financial report. The Vice President identified some mathematical errors she noticed in the Operating Expenses. Linda explained that she uses the information from the accountant’s balance sheet for the financial reports, which is sent to her monthly. After further review and discussion of the errors noted, Linda agreed to send a corrected financial report to all directors.
Dave Ferris had questions concerning budget figures of. some Common Area items, such as the Street lights. After Linda and Joyce explained the billing of the items listed in #5011, 5012, 5016 and 5017, the President
requests that the Treasurer contact FPL about the association’s billing, for clarification of cost to be reported at the July board meeting.
Linda reports that the Flood Insurance is due by the end of June. She reviewed the two Options that are available under our policy. The difference in cost for these two Options is $2,979.00. Dave Ferris made a motion to approve OPTION A, approved by all board members so motion passed.
March and April financial reports were postponed at the June Board meeting due to Board member’s questions. After review of the development of the monthly financial report categories, with our accountant, both reports were accepted as read today.
Linda reminds Board members to submit the complete and appropriate receipts for all purchases.
VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Noreen attended two webinars. that were presented by our legal representatives from Becker & Polikoff. They reviewed the Surfside Glitch Bill SB 154, recently signed by the Governor. The majority of changes found in this bill do not apply to an HOA and/or a Condominium Association with one story buildings.
The second Webinar was about the importance of having your legal counsel review a contractor’s contract before signing in order to protect the association from liens and or fines.
The Vice President reminded everyone that we are in the Hurricane Season so one must get prepared. Noreen also pointed out that we had few or no lights in back of the units which is a safety concern for owners. Dave Ferris will obtain information about installation of lights for the back area.
PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Joyce reports that she still has not received the completed information from SBA regarding our loan request or information from our insurance company about our additional benefit request. She continues to contact these agencies weekly.
Gulf Shore was contacted to service one of the AC units in the clubhouse. The repair was completed on Friday but due to concerns about the billing practices of Gulf Shore, President Morris will obtain quotes for maintenance of our two AC units from other providers to present at the next board meeting.
GROUND’S DIRECTOR REPORT: Dave reports drainage issues behind 1349 Bunker Way and behind 1335 Eagle Way . He got an estimate from our landscaper, for repair of the drainage problem which will cost $1,386.00 , Mike will identify location of the sprinkler heads and the DigSafe company
will be called in to map the lines for cable and electric lines before work begins on the drainage repair. Dave made a motion requesting approval for the repair of the drainage issues, although he has money to cover the cost of the repair in his current budget. All members approved the motion.
SiTE1 returned the original irrigation drive. They report that it will cost $1,800.00 to put part back in working condition. The replacement drive has been working properly so discussion took place to determine if it is necessary and appropriate to have the original drive repaired, to then sit on a shelf until needed, someday. President Morris requests that Dave contact SITE1 for more information on the actual cost to repair the original drive and what, if any, is our responsibility for the original drive before the Board approves any repairs. The Board will postpone discussion about the plans for the Memorial Garden until the next Board meeting. All Board members agreed to this recommendation.
UNIT DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Painters coming Thursday to paint the 5 ceilings damaged. by Hurricane IAN. There are 5 units with stucco damage from Hurricane IAN but the date for the repairs has not been scheduled yet. The gutter repairs will be completed today. Tom will start investigating new shutters.
Pool/Clubhouse Director’s Report: Cynthia away so Noreen Bailey will read the report. The faucets in the pool bathrooms have been replaced.
We are donating the organ to Teen Challenge as it is no longer being used.
Cynthia would like to remind pool goers not to use a brick to keep the pool door open and offers thanks to the volunteers who helped paint the pool fence posts.
Motion made to adjourn the meeting by Pearl, seconded by Dave, at 3:20PM. Next Board meeting is scheduled for 7/18/2023 @ 1:30 PM.
Report respectfully submitted by Pearl Prevoir, Secretary