Meeting Minutes May 2017

Myerlee Circle Condominium Association, LLC.
6945 Dogleg Way
Fort Myers, FL. 33919                                  May 16, 2017

President-                  M.J. Peters

Vice President-        Sandy Cummings

Treasurer-                 Linda Fentner

Secretary-                  John Schreiber

Director-                    Kim Hanson

Director-                    Paul Salvagin

Director-                    David Ferris

          All the above Board Members were present.  A Quorum was present.

          At 12:45pm the Maintenance Report was given by Director Salvagin:

  • There are eleven broken windows in our Assn. Paul has e-mailed the lawn people notifying them of the problem and requesting that they fix or pay for fixing the windows.  He has not received a reply, except that they told him that they would not fix double pane windows.  We do not know what to do about that,
  • Outside water shut off valves- Five owners have agreed to pay $150 each for the contractor to fix them,
  • The Storage tank and the irrigation filter have been flushed. They are in good shape,
  • The “No Trespassing” signs have been put up, and
  • The tree trimming company will begin its’ work soon. Twin Palms Tree Service will charge $858.00 for trimming 39 trees and $250.00 for cutting down and taking one dead palm away. and
  • Gutters are being cleaned.

          MJ Peters asked if Brian would consider working in the latter half of the day rather than the morning(sometimes), when there was more work than usual?  Paul said he would take it up with Brian and let you know.

 Secretary-  The Board Secretary read the minutes of the April meeting.  There were some corrections and additions.  Sandy moved that revised minutes be accepted; the motion was seconded by Kim.  All members voted to accept.

 Treasurer’s Report-  Linda made the report(copy attached).  She called on the Board to select one of the two Flood Insurance options listed in her report.  After some discussion, David motioned that Option number two be adopted (that option will continue the insurance coverage at the same levels as is currently in force).  Paul seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously.
Linda contacted the FPL to have them inspect damages made to our irrigation system by the parking of their trucks.

 Clubhouse- Director Hanson reported:

  • No Trespassing signs were purchased for the Pool area and put up. We had trespassing incidents on May 6th and 13th.  The trespassers on May 13th were caught, and
  • Two new screen doors should be purchased at a cost of $109 each.  The new doors are more substantial than those presently on hand (these are some two inches thick). The doors would need a key pad for entry security.  There was discussion about the keypad versus a universal lock matching the Clubhouse key.  The issue is further discussed and decided later under the heading of Trespass.  Security of entry must be assured to avoid liability issues of trespasser injury on our premises.  Paul thought that the locks could be made to use the keys already fitting the clubhouse.


  • Signs for Recyclables- Kim stated that we must insist that no plastic bags are put in the Recycle bins. Lee County will impose a $500 fine per instance for failure to adhere to those rules.  Kim has prepared 12 signs warning about plastic in Recyclable Bins.  They need to be hung, and
  • Twin Palms Tree Trimming Service will be trimming 39 palm trees at a cost of $22 each for a total of $858. They will also be cutting down and removing one dead palm tree at a cost of $250.  Linda informed Paul that an invoice covering both charges needs to be forwarded to her to allow payment for both tasks.

Units- David reported that:

  • An inspection report from 6916 Par Way stated that wood rot was seen in the attic. Paul and a contractor visited the premises, but could not enter,
  • The unit at 1333 Myerlee Blvd. has a leak in the ceiling. Mark and Rick have tried to verify that claim, and
  • David will meet with Larry Wynberg about turning over the ownership of our sewer lines to the county.

Vice President- Sandy reported that the Gun Safe has been properly installed.  The entry code is stored in the Rolodex, Also, the Key Box will be rearranged to be indexed by street.

President-The President announced that she is resigning her office as of May 31, 2017.  She contacted our law firm to ask  questions about restructuring.  She was informed that the Vice President fills the vacancy.  There should be a meeting to restructure.  Possibly an association management firm would be considered to run our Condo Assn.  She noted that in such a case only a vote from the Board would be needed to approve it.  It is not a vote by the entire association but a decision by the Board of Directors.  Such a vote would simply be put into the minutes and go from there.

          Records-MJ asked our lawyers how long certain records should be kept.  The answers were:  Meeting minutes, 5 to 7 years, annual meeting minutes, amending votes and documents and notices- the same 5 to 7 years.  We have talked about scanning and digitizing our records to better facilitate storage. Sandy said all minutes should scanned.

Public Comment-

          Mark-  we will get the new doors for the Pool area tomorrow, May 17, 2017.

          Pearl-  If a tree is taken down can the owner choose what type the replacement will be?  Paul replied that we have some guidelines on that, but basically, yes the owner selects the tree from within our guidelines.

          Rick-  If there are rocks by your windows and those windows are broken by pieces of the rock sheared off by our lawn people, the company will not pay to fix the breakage.

Old Business-

          Paving-  the revised contracts are complete including insurance.  All six streets and the parking can be done in a week. The company’s insurance had lapsed, but it is now renewed.  MJ asked for a date that the paving could begin.  Paul replied the contractor wants to start on May 22.  An e-mail notice will be sent to notify our owners of the dates.  We need to know the contactors plan for digging up the road; then resurfacing it.  MJ will notify the Country Club on April 16.  All board members should notify their neighbors.

          Painting-  David reported that this Fall will be fine with Lee Painting to begin.  The company’s insurance has lapsed.  David will see that it is brought up to date.

          Trespass-  We have had four instances of trespass recently.  We have moved cameras to the pool area.  The police have been informed.  Only Board Members may have a trespasser arrested.  No Trespassing signs have been put up around the pool area.  Doors to the pool area are not substantial enough to secure it.  New doors and locks are needed to protect us from possible liability problems.  Paul thinks the best security/owner access solution is to fit each new lock with a key matching the Clubhouse key.  Therefore, we would not have to purchase a new key for each unit owner.  A motion to purchase the doors, locks and keys was made by David and seconded by Sandy.  The Board voted to pass the motion unanimously.

New Business-

  • Change of Leadership- MJ disclosed that she is moving out of Myerlee Circle.    Therefore, she is resigning form the Board.  She is preparing a letter of resignation. Her last day in office will be May 31, 2017.  The Vice President will assume the duties of President on that date,
  • Board Meetings- The June, 2017 meeting is cancelled. The next Board meeting will be on July 18, at 1:00pm at the Clubhouse,
  • Supply Cabinet-Sandy stated the need for an office supply cabinet. Two have been researched; one at $139 from Amazon and another heavier one for $199.  After some discussion of the cabinets’ varying quality, David motioned that the more substantial one be bought at the cost of $199.  John seconded the motion.  All member voted affirmative on the motion.

Adjournment-  David motioned for adjournment; Kim Hanson seconded it. The motion passed by a unanimous vote.  Adjournment was at 2:26pm.