October 2023 Board Minutes
FORT MYERS, Fl. 33919
ATTENDANCE: October 18, 2023
President: Joyce Morris
Vice President: Noreen Bailey
Treasurer: Linda Fentner
Secretary: Pearl Prevoir
Grounds Director: TBD
Unit Manager: Tom Kaiser
Pool/ Clubhouse Director. Cynthia McComb (absent)
Guest Speaker: Brown & Brown Insurance
Agent: Jessica Harrison
President Morris called the board meeting to order @ 1:40 pm.
Secretary’s Report: Board notes were distributed to all board members prior to this meeting, for review. No questions or changes were requested during the meeting, notes accepted as read.
Treasurer’s Report: September Financials distributed to all board members before the meeting. The board members had no questions or comments. Linda reports that one (1) CD in Edison Bank will mature this November. So far, we have received $43,691.00 in Assessment checks from owners. We have 1 condo that recently sold so will be scheduling an interview of the new owners in the near future.
President’s Report: Joyce reports that our property insurance premium has gone up by 80%. Working with the accountant, treasurer and our insurance agent to investigate the best option to pay the premium without a large increase in the monthly fee.
Guest speaker from B & B, Jessica Harrison, explained the insurance industry was in a bad position even before Hurricane IAN, that caused them significant loss. MCCA had to obtain a new appraisal for the property insurance. Although Heritage Insurance Co. has increased our property insurance premium by 80%, they improved our coverage.
Noreen made a motion for the board to accept the finance agreement for the property insurance, seconded by Linda. Tom requested information on what other options were evaluated. Tom agreed with this selection after listening to Joyce review the investigation of other options. All members were in agreement, motion passed.
Joyce reports that the association did not request a Wind Mitigation report from Sabal Construction and Roofing CO. after new roofs were completed. She explained that each owner must have it done on their own unit as not all insurance companies require the same information.
Joyce announced that the Ground’s Director submitted his resignation due to family issues, in effect as of October 16, 2023. Charles Flugger, who is a long time resident with experience volunteering on a board, is interested in completing the term for the Ground’s Director .
Pearl made a motion to appoint Charles Flugger to complete Dave’s term as the Ground’s Director, all members were in agreement, motion passed.
The Mediation request has been withdrawn, which will save MCCA on legal fees.
SiteOne Irrigation found that the motor fan is not working, when they did their semi-annual inspection. Cost for a new fan with labor, which is needed to keep the motor cool, will be about $760.00. Motion made by Tom to buy the motor fan and have it installed, spending no more than $800.00. Seconded by Noreen, all in favor, motion carried.
Follow up on Status of IAN repairs shows that the clubhouse windows are scheduled to be installed on 11/6 and 11/7/23. Before work can be started on the lanai, we may need to order a site plan from the city.
Vice-president’s Report: Noreen reports the budget committee has had 4 meetings with another meeting coming up soon.
Unit Manager’s Report: Installation of missing shutters near completion. Tom had Kelley Bless investigate possible use of the old bagged fertilizer near the shed. He spread some fertilizer to test it for possible use and will check the results in several weeks. He reports there are 29 windowsills that need repair, which will not be completed this year. He is hoping to put on clear seal this year.
Noreen reports that the Grounds Project behind Gail Kaim and her condo is completed.
Pool/clubhouse Report: Noreen reporting for Cynthia: New solar cover for pool has been installed. Request last person in the pool, replace the cover before they leave. In the process of getting new rail covers. Concerned that “ someone” put 5 chairs on the pool deck without getting permission from the board. The clubhouse will be closed on 11/6 & 11/7 while new windows are being installed. Pool may need to be closed when the back windows are installed. Mike working on repair of broken fence areas around the pool.
No Report from the Ground’s Director ;
Next Board Meeting scheduled for November 8, 2023 @ 1:30 pm. Motion to adjourn the meeting, made by Pearl, seconded by Linda. @ 3:00 pm
Report respectfully submitted by Pearl Prevoir, Secretary