Meeting Minutes March 2017

Myerlee Circle Condominium Association, LLC 6945 Dog Leg Way Fort Myers, Florida 33919

March 21, 2017

President- MJ Peters

Vice President Sandy Cummings

Vice President David Ferris

Treasurer Linda Fentner

Director Kim Hanson

Director Paul Salvagin

All the above were present at this meeting.

Maintenance Report- At 12:45pm Brian gave his report: Pool condition is unsatisfactory immediately after our contractor serviced it. There were leaves on the bottom and it was generally dirty.

A cracked pipe in the Irrigation System has created a hole in the ground. It is being fixed. Also the new filter is working. The water may have to be turned off to fix it. If it’s scheduled we can use the Phone Tree established by Amelia Pappas to alert the community. The strainers in the system are clean, but must be checked to ensure good operation. Maintenance Requests were reviewed by Paul.

Outside lighting was discussed by Sandy. The consensus was that the Assn. doesn’t own them, therefore if the owner wants one by his unit he can pay for all costs having to do with it. Of course, the permission of the Board is needed for any installation.

The Board Meeting was called to order by President Peters at 1pm. The Secretaries Report was read. There were no additions, nor corrections. A motion to accept the report made by Linda was seconded by Kim. The motion passed Unanimously.

The Treasurer’s Report was made by Linda, a copy is attached. There was discussion of an Internet  connection with Centurylink for the Board’s computer. Paul motioned that Centurylink should be the vendor; seconded by Kim. Approval was unanimous. Linda mentioned there was a refund of $9.45 made to both the Assn. and the Women’s Club. Dave motioned that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted; seconded by Kim. Approval was Unanimous.

Pool and Clubhouse-Kim reported that the new  carpeting arrive on March 28, and that installation take about two weeks.

Kim stated that she needed 15 new chairs for the Deck area by the pool. The cost is estimated at $575. John motioned to approve the report and purchase; Paul seconded and approval was unanimous.

Grounds- The Pressure Washer is being fixed.

Paul mentioned the transfer of our sewer system to the County ownership. MJ recommended that the person in charge of our neighboring Condo Assn. be contacted about the matter.

Facilities- Dave reported that the recent rodent problem had been solved. Paul elaborated. He said that the purchase of more traps brought our total to seven, which should be adequate.

Vice President- Sandy had nothing to report.

President- The Key Way request, the replacement of two front windows and a front door screen were discussed and seemed alright. A newsletter item is needed informing owners of the paperwork required by the Board to support family title transfers. Interviews with any proposed unit holders are required. All transfer of ownership must be filed with the Board.

A second item for the newsletter is to remind unit owners going north for the summer to take their planters inside.

A clarification of the pool closing time is needed. It was decided that dusk should be the time. Julia is updating the Directory to so read.

Public Comment-Phil offered to update our website by posting offered services. There would no cost. The offer was ok’d.

Don-The street lights at the entrance to Myerlee from Winkler are not working. The Golf Club may have the responsibility Mark-The street light liability of the Board should be looked into. Also water leaks should be monitored. Water is being paid for by the Assn. Maybe a newsletter item is needed to suggest faucets be checked on a certain day each month.

Old Business-The Insurance Company wants the sidewalks to be patched for safety and liability reasons.

55+ Program-We need 80 census in the office and notarized to go forward to the State. We now have 64.  Linda is working on getting more. After the 80 have been attained the Board will file with the State at a cost of $10. A similar must be taken every two years.

Question at Annual Meeting-The question was “our those of who own prior to the enactment of this 55+ program prohibited from selling our unit to someone less than 55 years old”. MJ has consulted with our lawyers who said that the answer is no you are not free to sell to someone less than 55 years of age.

Office Equipment-Fire resistant containers are needed. Items under consideration are: 2-drawer fire resistant file cabinet(cost $1000), a small fireproof safe(cost$100), others may be considered. Sandy Cummings will look into the characteristics of the items.

The Key Box will be replaced at a cost of about $80(holds 160 keys.

Letters of Appreciation-This Assn. has not recognized the contributions of past Board members. MJ believes we should. All members agreed. John volunteered to write the letter.

A note will be put in the newsletter to call the Office for business concerns rather than calling Directors on their private phones.

New Business-Budget Review-Both paving and painting are budgeted for 2017-18. Dave pointed out that Bunker, Eagle and the Maintenance area were originally budgeted for paving this year. We will need updated bid information soon. Three for each job. The present bid for painting is $60,000. Dave stated that paving is to be done first. MJ said the total reserves are now $407,000. Dave questioned why not start the paving at $74,000 now? John mentioned that if you start painting in the Fall and finish in the Spring we’d pay for it from the 2018 Budget which will have the $110,000 in it. Linda pointed out that the Wells Fargo CD comes due in May 2016. MJ stated that the paving could be done this year in the Summer. Paul will contact the paving company to ensure they could begin after this April. Dave will contact Lee Painting to see if they can schedule us in the Fall, 2016. Dave made a motion to proceed; Paul seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. MJ pointed out that these contracts are very complicated and full of legalese.

Other Items- John wants to look in the files to make a list of those files which no longer be useful. Several Directors said that had already been done, but go ahead, it may be fruitful.

Settings Goals-Plantings should be a priority. Paul mentioned water pipes are of the thin walled variety and could become a problem we hadn’t planned on.

A Board Certification Class will be held on 3/31 at SW Florida State. It will be conducted by our legal firm. Kim has seen the notice. MJ wants to see it. John and Dave need to be certified.

The Timer for the Sprinkler System needs replacing at a cost of $350, also a remote control is needed for it at the cost of $60. This is all for System A. A motion to approve the purchases was made by Paul; seconded by Dave, and was approved unanimously.

Motion to adjourn was made by Paul. All were in favor.