September 2023 Board Meeting Minutes





September 18, 2023 Board Notes



President: Joyce Morris

Vice President. Noreen Bailey

Treasurer: Linda Fentner

Secretary: Pearl Prevoir

Ground’s Director: David Ferris

Unit Director: Tom Kaiser

Pool/ Clubhouse Director: Cynthia McComb



Meeting called to order by President Morris at 1:35 PM.

Secretary’ s Report:

August 15th board notes distributed to all board members prior to this meeting. No changes requested by board members and no discussion took place. Board notes were accepted as read.

The Sandwich Board is starting to show wear from sitting in the bad weather. Cynthia will look into finding a cover to put over it when the board is not in use. All board members agreed that we should continue using the sandwich board to alert the members about community activities and all important association meetings.

Pearl working with Noreen. Bailey to install a program on our laptop that will address and batch envelopes. A free program is being evaluated.


Treasurer’s Report: Linda distributed the July and August financials for board members review. No questions or discussion required at this time. The September financials were reviewed with the board members by Linda Fentner. It appears that only 16 members have paid their assessment as of this date. Board members had no comments or questions after Linda’s review.


President’s Report: First order of business by Joyce was to create committees and identify the participants.

Budget Committee is Noreen Bailey, as the chairman, Linda Fentner, Charles Flugger, Lee Nerenberg. and Joyce Morris

ESA Committee is Pearl Prevoir and Linda Fentner, as back up

Legal Committee is Noreen Bailey, as the chairman, Pearl Prevoir and Linda Fentner

Fine’s Committee, members TBD

Motion made by Dave Ferris to accept committees, seconded by Linda, motion passed.

Our irrigation system is now on a bi-yearly maintenance check. Joyce reports that 1367 Bunker Way has been taken over by HUD. President Morris has notified our legal council.

Concern about a neighbor’s use of Ring Doorbell was brought up by Tom Kaiser. During discussion about his concern, Joyce reminded the Board members that we did contact our lawyer about the use of Ring Doorbells. The lawyer confirmed that ring doorbells are not illegal. A motion was made by Noreen Bailey to approve the Ring Doorbell for owners of 6932 Birdie Way with specs set for 40’ and owners should let their neighbors know that they have a Ring Doorbell. Motion seconded by Cynthia, with no further discussion, motion passed. Owners will be notified ,in writing, that they have been approved for a ring doorbell and request they talk with their neighbors about protecting their privacy.

IAN UPDATE: We have contracted with Home Depot to install new windows for the clubhouse. A motion was made by Noreen and seconded by Cynthia to contract with Sabal Construction at a cost of $30,000, to rebuild the pool lanai and give them a 50% deposit. No discussion required, motion passed. Angel Vargus will replace the ruined bushes in the front part of the condos with similar type bushes. Dave will check with Angel about the best type of plants to put in the Memorial Garden.


Vice President’s Report: Met with the Brown & Brown representative on 9/1/2023 to discuss 2024 insurance. It appears that Heritage Insurance will offer our association property insurance. but, the new premium will be 60-80% higher than last year. The insurance agent is looking into other companies.


Pool/ Clubhouse Director’s Report: Pantry door fixed by maintenance staff, new signs put up around the pool reminding

members NO VAPING / SMOKING allowed. Tables with umbrellas will not be allowed around the pool, they will only be on the lanai.


Unit Director’s Report: Tom working with the maintenance team to put up the new shutters. He reports a build-up of trash and debri around the water tower. Some bags look like old fertilizer. Dave will check with Angel about proper disposal of these items and the cost to rent a dumpster, if needed for these items.


Ground’s Director: The drain situation has not been completed, although Dig Safe did come out. They told Dave that the excavator had to call them before they could mark the lines, so Dave notified Angel.



Next Board Meeting changed from Tuesday, to Wednesday, October 18, 2023 @ 1:30 PM.

Motion made by Pearl to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dave, meeting adjourned.

Report respectfully submitted by Pearl Prevoir, Secretary.