Annual Board Meeting March 2, 2020


                                 6945 DOG LEG WAY

                                 FORT MYERS, FL 33919

ANNUAL BOARD MEETING.                MARCH 2, 2020


PRESIDENT.                     LARRY WYNBERG


TREASURER.                    LINDA FENTNER

SECRETARY.                      PEARL PREVOIR

DIRECTOR.                        DAVID FERRIS

DIRECTOR.                        KIM HANSON

DIRECTOR.                        SANDY LEVINTHAL


The Annual. Board Meeting was called to order by President Wynberg@ 6:30 P M. All current board members were present. 75 owners/ voters were present, quorum was met.


Secretary Prevoir reports that Proof of Notice of Meeting for 2020 was Notarized by Linda Fentner.


Secretary Prevoir read the Minutes from the 2019 Annual Board Meeting which were accepted and closed after correction completed.


Reports of Officers completed and accepted. Owner,

Walter Bell, request the Board provide owners  with a regular report on the association’s Reserves. Linda will discuss with our Accountant and present information at next board meeting, March 19, 2020.


No unfinished business from 2019 meeting.


Call for ballot outcome for the 4 open board positions.

Officers elected were: Larry Wynberg, linda Fentner, Pearl Prevoir and Kim Hanson.


New Business:

The vote to waive the Annual Financial Reporting requirement was 37 yes to 4 NO. The reporting requirement is waived for FY 2020. Financial and Accounting reports shall be made by the Treasurer and the Accounting firm as to our year-end financial status.

A motion to adjourn was made by Larry Wynberg and seconded by Dave

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.


Respectfully submitted by Pearl Prevoir