Newsletter December 2015

FROM YOUR BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The Myerlee Circle Association is changing accounting companies. Stroemer & Company, P.A. will no longer be our accounting service as of December 31st. Starting on January 1st , 2016 our new accounting service will be:

12995 Cleveland Ave. Ste #107 Ft Myers, FL 33908

Please mail your condo fee checks to the above address. If you have a bank direct payment, advice your bank of this change as soon as possible. Your new condo fee, starting January 1st is $376.00 (Three hundred and seventy six dollars).


MEN’S PANCAKE BREAKFAST: The men will be holding their monthly pancake breakfast Saturday morning, December 5, from 8:30-9:30. Please join us for a delicious breakfast of pancakes, savory sausage, sweet rolls, coffee and orange juice, and best of all great company.

WOMEN’S GROUP MEETING: Monday, December 7. All are welcome. Come and join us at 10:00 for coffee. Meeting starts at 10:30. Immediately after the meeting, we will be decorating the clubhouse for the holidays. Please come and help us organize some of our Myerlee Circle activities

HOLIDAY PARTY AT THE CLUB HOUSE: We will be having a tree trimming party on December 17 at 5:00 pm. Please come an celebrate the season. Bring your favorite hors d’oeuvres to share and your favorite beverage. Call Irene Lychodij at (239)481-1422, no later than the 15, to make your reservation and let her know how many are attending.

BOOK CLUB: The Book Club will be meeting on Monday, December 21 at 10:30am. The meeting will be at our Myerlee Circle Club House. Lunch will follow. Place for lunch to be decided. All are welcome. If you need further information or a ride, please call : Eileen Lightell (239-415-9318

REMINDER: The Myerlee Women’s Group would like to plan a Casino trip for the coming year. We need forty people for this. If you are interested please call Barbara Grattenthaler at 239-437-8242.

A MESSAGE FROM THE MYERLEE COUNTRY CLUB: The Club will be holding Chicken Nights on Tuesday, December 1st and again on Tuesday, December 15th, from 5 – 7 pm. Chef Lenny is back!! If you are interested, please call
239-481-2655 for reservations. They need to know how many will attend. Chicken dinner price is: $9.95 plus tax and gratuity.
The club is also serving breakfast on Sundays. Please pass on this notice to those of your friends or neighbors that don’t receive email. Thank you.

NOTICE: Steve Levinthal is interested in buying a 26”second hand men’s bicycle in good condition, with hand brakes and 12-15 gears. If you have or know someone that has this type of bicycle for sale, please call Steve at (716) 408-7714.


WEEKLY ACTIVITIES: Don’t forget these groups meeting every week at the Circle Clubhouse for fun activities:

Hand and Foot Canasta Card Club meets every Monday at 1:00pm. Contact Henrietta at 239-481-2116

The Myerlee Circle Art Group meets at the Clubhouse every Thursday at 1:00pm. If you wish to join us, please call Barbara at 239-437-8242 for more information.

Happy Hour meets every Thursday at 4:30 in the Clubhouse. Bring a snack of your choice along with your beverage and get in on the latest scoop.

The Men’s Poker Group meets on Tuesday evenings from 7-10pm and on Friday afternoons from 1-4pm.

BOCCE PLAYERS: On Friday afternoons around 4:00, why not come out to the court for some fun and laughs. It is right behind the clubhouse and pool. If you find that the day and time are not convenient and you wish to use the court, the balls are inside the clubhouse kitchen door and the broom used to smooth the court is in the pool’s utility closet.


COMMUNITY NEWS: Please remember when you have news of community activities, club meetings, special events, personal loss, landmark birthdays, yard sales or anything of general interest, contact Julia Tepper at 239-400-0119 or email your article to by the 25th of the month.

EMAILING THE NEWS LETTER: If you would like to receive the newsletter via email, please let me know at ( Emailing the newsletter saves money and you get it faster. Julia