March 2021 Board Minutes







President, Larry Wynberg called the meeting to order @ 1:00 PM.


Larry Wynberg…..President

Joyce Morris………Vice President

Linda Fentner…….Treasurer

Pearl Prevoir………Secretary

Kim Hanson………..Pool/Clubhouse Director

Sandy Levinthal…..Grounds Director

Lisa Kaiser………….Unit Director



Pool now open and operational after cleaning

Investigating location of all water shut off valves

Hoping to avoid further leaks in irrigation system by slowly increasing water pressure after recent repair

Home inspection of 1374 Bunker Way completed and new owners reported findings of a possible leak in the attic area near the vent. President recommends maintenance staff should not investigate the area without assistance.



Larry presented his business plan for 2021 and updates on Board activities, owner’s concerns and future needs/plans.

1. Wants to accomplish a better reporting system for the Unit Owners.

Joyce and Linda will be reviewing Mo they Accounting

format for clarification to Owners.

2. Address the Irrigation and Landscaping

Sandy working closely with maintenance staff on the

Irrigation problems we have been experiencing.

3. Review estimates to replace the roofs to compare to


Larry asked Lisa Kaiser, Unit Director, to obtain some

Some quotes for Roof Repair which is not yet required.

The Association Reserve Funds will be available to use

toward payment for new roofs, when needed.

4. Look into possibilities of reopening the Association by

This fall

Board will be discussing the appropriate time to

re-open all activities according to the CDC and state


5. Review the following committees:

Fine Committee

Welcome Committee

Budget Committee, and

ESA/Supprt Animal Committee

Project Update—Maintenance shed parking lot will be power washed and striped by the end of March.



Lisa Kaiser request additional information be included in the February 16, 2021Board Notes. Request discussed by board members which led to the unanimous decision for Report to be accepted as is with exception noted, as made by Lisa Kaiser.

Secretary identified reasonable provider to perform shredding. Pearl reports the transition to Office 365 will be completed by or on March 21, 2021. Owners will be notified of changes.



February financials reviewed and accepted as presented. Treasurer reported that the Annual Report was filed with SUNBIZ.COM on March 11, 2021 adding the new BoRd Member.


A suggestion was made by the treasurer, Linda Fentner for the addition of the Vice President, Joyce Morris to be on all accounts as a third Board Member to oversee the accounts. Therefore, a motion was made by Linda Fentner and unanimously approved by the Board members to have three Board Members(Officers) and the Accountant on all certificates of Deposit(CD’s) accounts. The three Officers will

be the President, Larry Wynberg, Vice President, Joyce Morris and Treasurer, Linda Fentner along with the Accountant, Reggie Perkins.



Joyce reports payment made to our Legal Council for their involvement with the HUD Complaint by an ESA owner. This fee could be an ongoing bill but no clear information available now. VP and Treasurer met with our accountant to gather information on cost for an Audit and review banking procedures. Accountant reports cost of an audit could be anywhere from $7,000 – $10,000.

Association has checks and balances in place which provide accurate and complete financial information on a monthly basis.

Joyce reports CDC now advocates for decrease of quarantine time

From 24 days to 10 days. Motion was made and carried to decrease Quarantine time for visitors, and returning owners to 10days.

FL. Governor extended the Emergency Powers for the State of Florida for another sixty(60) days. The VP reviewed the contractors Forms that should be used when owners Having work done requiring a licensed and insured contractor, including reason for these particular forms. All in agreement with change from the the COVID 19construction agreement of 09/17/2020 to the Addendum to Contract approved 3/16/21




The pool cover has been permanently removed until next fall


Sandy reports she is over budget due to the multiple repairs on the irrigation system. Landscaper will put in new plants and mulch within next 2 weeks. Sandy still accepting donations for the Memorial Garden. She is asking that owners who see any unusual water leaks to report it immediately.


Lisa request information on our maintenance staff’s responsibilities which was described by President Wynberg. Lisa reports that she is in the midst of gathering the required license and insurance information on the vehicles parked @ the maintenance shed. Larry requests this information be kept in the locked board office. Owner

of 1354 Bunker Way reports contractor returning to complete some work in his condo. Lisa will check status of the contractors paperwork.


A proposal was presented by Woman’S Club representative for an outdoor barbecue hosted by the Woman’s Club. All board members in agreement with this proposal but the board states they will not provide the grill and reminds the representative that they-must adhere to the COVID requirements.

Noreen Bailey made a proposal to oder MCCA key rings. President Wynberg suggests the Women’s Club order then sell these key chains as a fund raiser.


Pearl recommends putting a-notice in the next month’s newsletter that maintenance staff is available to install new outside unit lights when change is required. All members in agreement.

Noreen Bailey wanted to talk about cost of Wiring Repair which was completed several months ago. President Wynberg indicates that was approved by the board as directed by legal counsel so there is no further discussion.


Motion made and carried to adjourn @ 3:00 PM

Respectfully submitted by Pearl Prevoir, secretary