October 2020 Board Minutes


                             6945 DOG LEG WAY

                              FORT MYERS FL 33919

BOARD MINUTES.                               OCTOBER 15, 2020


Meeting called to order by President Wynberg @ 1:35 p.m. Unit Director, Dave Ferris not present, all other board members in attendance.


Maintenance Report:

Waiting for Landscaper to schedule sink hole repair.

Waiting for delivery of irrigation pump. Apparently item coming from Great Britain which will take about 3 weeks to arrive, once ordered.



September 17th Board Minutes accepted as read after insertion of type of insurance documented in report.



September revenues accepted as presented. Linda reports CD maturing in early November. President recommends Treasurer check on current CD rates to help board determine best action to follow with the upcoming matured CD’s.



Identified the appropriate Contractor form to be used by Unit Director.



President Wynberg reports that our legal council is reviewing Myerlee Circle Docs to determine who is financially responsible for payment of repair of the external

electric meter on the back of owner’s condos. Larry presented the final Truck Parking Regulation as Dave was not available. All board members agreed with current changes. Joyce requests that Dave modifies the format of the regulation to meet the documentation requirements and place requirement on 1 page.



CLUBHOUSE/POOL: No changes or problems to report



Sandy reports landscaper will fertilize trees and bushes when weather cools down. Landscaper will fill in the sink holes.



Jessica Harrison from Brown & Brown reviewed the association’s Property insurance and fees.

Joyce Morris presented the first draft of the 20/21 budget, identifying the changes made and reason for these changes.

Board members voted to have the Owners meeting on 11/5/20@6:30 pm. All attendees must wear masks.

Secretary presented a Proposal to change our Website Host and services. President requests that the secretary should also investigate availability and cost of another vender.

Owner, Noreen Bailey asked when updated Directory will be distributed. Owner told that directory usually completed and distributed after the Annual Meeting. Owner wanting to know if Board responsible for paying for repair of the electric meter. President reports unable to answer this question until the board receives the recommendation from the lawyer.

Meeting Adjourned @ 3:00 pm.